Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A New Milestone

This morning I did something that I have never done before in my life. Before I tell you what it was, let me take you back and tell you a little bit about the experiences that I have had in my almost 50 years on this earth.

First of all let me begin by saying that I am not now, nor have I ever been a strong swimmer. I have always been just good enough to keep myself from drowning and that is about it. I still remember as a child going to the Moline Pool. I was always so impressed by how big it was and how small I felt when I was in it. Fast forward a few years, I remember going to High School and being forced to take swimming classes. I hated everything about them. I hated getting undressed and wet in the middle of the day, I hated wearing those dorky swim suits that they made us wear, always wondering who wore it before me, and did they actually wash it between times and I really hated the cold water. The only good thing was that I could swim well enough that I didn’t have to stay in the shallow end with the guys that couldn’t swim. (although the deep end was not the place to be in water polo) In reality, this was the only real swim training that I ever had, and you have to trust me when I say that it wasn’t all that good.

When I was about 25, I participated in a Triathlon where I had to swim ½ mile. This was the farthest that I had ever swam in my life up to that point and when I came out of the water, I couldn’t get my legs to go straight, I kept going sideways. (not a pleasant experience)

All of this I tell you to bring you to this morning. So far in my workouts I have equaled my personal best of swimming ½ mile a couple of different times, but this morning I swam ¾ of a mile without stopping. I have really been pleased with the improvements that I have made in swimming, going from only swimming one lap just a few weeks ago, to swimming ¾ of a mile today. Maybe there is something to be said for my new lap counter:)

And yes, I do know how to use it, and no, I didn’t mess it up, and yes it is accurate, and no I didn’t get button happy and press it too many times. (See I knew what you were thinking) :)


1 comment:

judyschoon said...

Good for you. You covered all you bases in that last paragraph, didn't you? See how much energy you have now that you are out of school...Glad you are having such a good time at it.