Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Peanut Butter Bon Bons

I just received one of the best gifts that I could possibly receive this time of year. No, I didn’t get enrolled in the "Jelly Of The Month Club" (the gift that keeps on giving all year round) It was much better than that. And No, I didn’t get a $500 Visa Gift Card. (it was even better than that) It wasn’t even a 50 inch, High Definition, Plasma Screen TV (believe it or not, it was even better than that).

So what was this great gift, you might ask? Thank-you for asking, I’ve been dying to tell you!

My daughter Terri just called and said that she was starting to make Peanut Butter Bon Bons, Whoo hooo!!! … What are Peanut Butter Bon Bons? … You don’t know what Peanut Butter Bon Bons are? (I know you were wondering)

Ok, for all of you folks from the foreign land of Ohio and those of you who haven’t been educated in the finer things of life. Peanut Butter Bon Bons are similar to what you would call “Buckeyes” (Isn’t that a football team or something?)

Anyway, let me say that Peanut Butter Bon Bons have always been my favorite Christmas candy. My Mom would always make them for me every Christmas and except for the problem which developed when, much to my chagrin, she would use up my entire stash of Peanut Butter and I would have to go without Peanut Butter for as many as 3-4 hours before she could go to the store to buy another jar, (I know wasn't that awful?) Peanut Butter Bon Bons represent some of my fondest memories of Christmas. (In case you were wondering, my Mom solved the problem in later years by buying her own jar of Peanut butter and leaving mine alone! :)

Terri made her first attempt at Peanut Butter Bon Bons a few years ago. I couldn’t believe it when I tasted them. I tried one, then another… then another… They were… different than what my Mom made. Here, let me try another one… wait a minute… is it possible?... Could they possibly be the best Peanut Butter Bon Bons I have ever eaten? … Maybe I should try another one… Yes, I think they are. Terri had managed to do something that I didn’t think was possible. Her Peanut Butter Bon Bons were better than my own Mothers… They were the best ones I have ever eaten in my life and believe-you-me, I have eaten a bunch of them.

Then last year, she came to Christmas with another batch. She apologized and said that they didn’t turn out very well, and she didn’t have the time (or money) to correct the “mistake.” She figured that if we didn’t eat them, we could feed them to Odie. (Yes I know, you shouldn't feed chocolate to dogs) I'll let you tell that to Odie!
So I tried one, a little bit apprehensive about what to expect, and… wait a minute… let me try another one… is it possible…? I think Terri defied the laws of physics (or at least cooking) and did the impossible… these were even better than her first attempt. What she thought was a mistake, (the center was softer and gooier) actually made them even better.

So now, I can’t wait until Sunday (which is our family Christmas) While the rest of the world waits for Santa Claus, I will patiently wait for Peanut Butter Bon Bons:) Does life get any better than that?


Monday, December 14, 2009

In The Bleak Midwinter

One of my favorite things about this time of year is the music. There is just something incredibly special about Christmas music. Perhaps it is the fact that we only sing it at one time each year, perhaps it is because of the memories that it represents, or maybe it is just because it is so awesome:) Whatever the reason, it is something that I look forward to all year.

Last night was the Annual Christmas program at Oak Grove. I was so proud of the kids and the choir last night. They did such a great job. I know that I am probably pushing the envelope a little bit with these folks, and I know that I am doing things that may be unfamiliar and I am certainly introducing them to songs that haven’t necessarily been a part of their Christmas repertoire, but I had two goals as I entered this season of Advent. The first was to learn about and be faithful to the rich Christmas traditions of Oak Grove and Fountain churches, and the other was to introduce them to the songs and traditions that are close to my heart.

So it is in that same spirit that I share with you today one of my favorite Christmas songs “In the Bleak Midwinter.” As with many of my favorite songs, it is not the best known or most popular, but I think that you will agree that it is very beautiful. Also, if you are not familiar with them, let me also introduce you to “The Choirboys” You have got to love those beautiful rich angelic tones, unfortunately Mother Nature sees to it that they won’t sing those soprano parts for long. Enjoy listening to one of my favorite Christmas songs.


Friday, December 11, 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, at least that is what the song says. As for me, the jury is still out on that one. It is certainly one of my favorite times of the year, and I can say that I look forward to it every year, and I have to admit that Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year, it is also my favorite worship service in the year, so all in all I would have to lean in the direction of most wonderful time.

With that being said, it is also the most stressful, the busiest, the most challenging, as well as emotional time. Everything seems to be compressed into this brief period between “Come Ye Thankful People Come” and “Silent Night.”

Today I have to put the final preparations together for Sunday’s worship services and Oak Grove’s Annual Christmas Program. Tomorrow will be spent ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at Walmart, an afternoon outing with the youth, a graduation party, and finishing the day back at Walmart ringing the bell. So, I guess if it needs to be done for Sunday, I had better get it done today.

I will have to put a little more thought into this most wonderful time of the year thing. For right now, I am holding on for dear life, praying for a quiet New Year:)


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch!

Two days in a row, I’m on a roll now. Let me address a couple of questions that I have been asked.

1.“Have I still been swimming?”

Well, yes and no. I have run into a bit of an obstacle. I have been dealing with bronchitis/ sinusitis/ coughing/ yucky/ stuffy /headstuff / cheststuff (I would call it Hymunglifungli) since about the first of October and that has put a definite crimp in my desire to go out at 7:00AM and swim. But I haven’t given up and I am finally going to break down today and go see a Doctor (Yes, I am actually going to go this time) and see if I can’t get over this stuff once and for all!

2. “How is Andrew doing with his drum set?” (Or how are his parents coping?)

Our little drummer boy is doing very well. He continues to play quite regularly, much to the chagrin of his parents (and the neighbors) He has only broken one small connecting piece which Ben was able to replace quickly over the phone. The replacement piece was metal instead of plastic. I think that the company has had that problem before. He has yet to break a drum head or a stick, which if you watched him play you would be amazed at how hard he hits those things. I wasn’t sure that the heads would survive the first hour, but so far so good.

As for his parents, I think that they are suffering from premature, drum induced hearing loss. Their nerves are a little more frazzled than normal, and they have had to spend $150,000 on attorney’s fees to fight the lawsuits filed by complaining neighbors (Well, maybe I exaggerated on that one:) But all in all they seem to be holding up well.

3. “What are our Christmas plans?”

Oh my, that is a tough question. Let’s see. On the 13th Oak Grove has their Annual Christmas program, the 20th is our family Christmas and Fountains Annual Christmas Program. Christmas Eve we have a 7:00PM service at Oak Grove and an 11:15 PM service at Fountain. Sunday the 27th , after church, we are planning on going to Illinois for a few days and other than a thousand other little things to do between now and then, that is pretty much our Christmas plan:)

Well, Bible study starts in an hour and I haven’t had a shower yet, I better get busy! Have a great day and do something today to bless someone around you:)


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ok! I Hear You:)

Ok! Ok! After some significant prodding, I will try to get back in the saddle again and be more consistent with my posts. In reality, it is actually a good thing that I haven’t been posting much lately. As you remember, I started this blog because of the extreme stress that I was under last year with my final year of seminary, a trip to El Salvador and the Commissioning process and writing seemed to provide an outlet for all of that overwhelming stress and frustration. A good friend recently described that sensation this way, “Not knowing whether to scream or puke.” (Boy can I relate to that) In addition it connected me with some wonderful people who provided me with the words and support that I needed to get through what was arguably the most difficult and stressful year of my life.

Now, after our move, we have really begun to settle into our new home and church family and to be honest, right now I really feel in a good place spiritually, physically and emotionally. The churches are going well, lots of things happening, the stress is at a minimum, the challenges are not too great, and life is good. So, I just haven’t felt that compelling desire to sit down and pour out my thoughts.

What I didn’t realize is that there are people who actually enjoyed reading my rambling thoughts and sometimes obnoxious diatribes, and believe it or not, they actually miss it. Who would have thunk it? So, I will do my best to sit down and just get back into the habit of writing and realize that I am truly blessed with a good life and friends who care about me, even when I am rambling and obnoxious, which people who know me would say is most of the time:)
