Sunday, February 22, 2009

Impossible Dream...

I ran across this video the other day and I wanted to share it with you. I was probably not more than 8 or 9 years old when this episode came out, but I have thought about it many, many times through the years. In this episode, Gomer goes with Sergeant Carter to Washington D.C. and if I’m not mistaken, prior to his big concert, Gomer gets laryngitis (due to nerves) and won’t be able to perform. I don’t remember the exact details, but something happens while Gomer is sitting dejected and afraid at the Lincoln Memorial and suddenly his voice comes back. This clip is the climax of the show as well as the trip to Washington D.C..

The reason that this is so memorable to me is that it is by far the most beautiful arrangement of “The Impossible Dream” that I have ever heard in my life. I can’t tell you how many times I wished that I could hear it again, and when I ran across it the other day, I found it to be just as beautiful as I remembered it as a child.

Maybe it’s the Marine Corp Dress Blue Uniform, or maybe it’s just the fact that Jim Nabors has one of the most beautiful voices that I have ever heard, perhaps it’s because he is an Indiana Boy (even though I wasn’t an Indiana boy when I was growing up) or maybe it's because I really have been thinking a lot lately about impossible dreams. But regardless, for me, this was one of my most favorite all time television moments. Does anyone else remember this?


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