You know, sometimes things just don’t work out the way that you plan them. I have been spending a little time here lately trying to get my old RC airplane stuff back up into operation. The first challenge that I encountered was when I realized that perhaps my radios were too old. In 1991 there was a law passed that all transmitters and receivers must be “Narrow Band” Do you suppose that my radios are too old? I know that some of them were bought before 1991. Oh noooo Are they no good anymore? Problem solved! After a bit of research I found that all of my transmitters and receivers are all “narrow band,” One crises averted.
Then I began to go through and check and attempt to charge my old battery packs hoping beyond hope that at least a few of them could be salvageable (perhaps the newest ones) Well, I couldn’t be that lucky, so when I started to look for new battery packs I realized that while I was away from RC flying, the industry had moved from NICAD batteries to NIMH batteries. What’s the difference you might ask? I have no idea, except that NIMH are not compatible with any of my chargers. Well, once again with a little bit of research I found NICAD battery packs for my receivers that I can order online, but I am still not getting any information on the transmitter packs. (Oh the humanity) So I have emailed the manufacturer of the radios and I hope that they will be able to tell me something. Perhaps they can go out to their museum and get the information for me.
So I am not much, if any, closer to getting an airplane in the air than I was a week or so ago. I also heard back from the first RC club that I contacted about possibly joining them and was told in no uncertain terms that they were by invitation only and I hadn’t been invited. LOL I am batting a thousand here:)
Well, so far I still can’t find my primary radio case that has my best radios in it; it is hopelessly lost in the garage somewhere. I don’t have any functioning batteries, I can’t find anywhere to get batteries for my transmitters and I can’t find a club that wants me to fly with them. Other than those small details I could go flying tomorrow:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
1 comment:
Where there is a will....there is a way...good luck on your quest :)
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