These past few days have been wonderful and memorable. Karen has been spending the last week at her Mom’s house, while I have been here, taking care of the home front. Sunday, after church, Odie and I went up to Seymour to meet Ben and Crystal and the kids and from there we made the journey over to the Quad Cities to visit everyone and most importantly, to pick up Karen.
The journey, although long, was uneventful, well if you don’t count the 7 hours of driving in rain and storms today. But, we finally arrived back home safe and sound, ready to get started on this week’s work. It’s funny that today feels a lot like Sunday evening to me. I’m not sure if it is good or bad that when I wake up in the morning it will already be Wednesday.
The best part of the last few days was getting the chance to visit with everyone and to see how much weight my sister has lost and to be able to be with Karen’s Mom on her 80th birthday. I have got to say that the highlight was going to dinner Monday night at Happy Joe's Pizza, a local Birthday tradition in the Quad Cities. (Actually Karen worked there about the time we got married) They always make a big deal out of birthday’s including singing Happy Birthday accompanied by a loud, rather obnoxious horn. Well, Andrew thought that the horn was about the greatest thing that he had ever seen and for the rest of the day yesterday and the trip home today he would spontaneously break out in song, Happy Birthday to you, honk, honk! followed by laughter. You have just got to love the way a 2 year old mind works (his not mine) :)
Well, it’s about time to call it a night and get ready for Monday, uhh errr, Wednesday, or whatever day it is. One thing is for certain, it will be here too soon.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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