Ok, I know, it was clear back on Sunday that I posted my last blog. I have both been very busy and also uninspired to write. In reality I have written two blogs that I decided not to post because I really don’t want to start or enter any more arguments. But with that being said, here I go!
I am so sick and tired of this Health Care debate, just as most of the people are who I read their posts and opinions on Facebook and blogs. The problem is that I am firmly entrenched on the opposite side of the argument from most of my online colleagues. (especially my very liberal colleagues) I am so tired of the lies and deceit that I hear in the arguments (of course my colleagues would say that all the lies and deceit are coming from my side of the argument) I am exceptionally tired of the name calling. (of course they would say that the name calling is all on my side)
Here are a couple of points that are being drowned out in the discussion. The problem we are facing is much greater than Health Care reform. This is just the straw that broke the camels back. Many people in our nation are afraid on multiple levels, and not because they are “Lemmings” like I hear from my liberal friends. People are afraid because no one in power is listening to them. (does that sound familier to you, it should, you have been saying that for the past 8 years)
The people spoke up loud and strong and said that they didn’t want to bail out all of these mega companies, and the government did it anyway, both Bush and Obama. The people spoke up loudly when the government took over GM and Chrysler. (I know that I will never by a car manufactured by the government) Once again the government pretty much did what they wanted which was not what the majority of the people wanted. The people spoke up once again on the budget, and once again the government didn’t listen, passing a bill full of pork and earmarks. The people spoke up again when they passed this stimulus package that was never, and will never stimulate anything except the special interests of those in power. Once again the government didn’t listen.
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in “tea bag” protests and they were mocked and laughed at and called terrible names by the liberal media. Once again the administration and the government refused to listen, even pretending to ignore the protestors completely. Now, President Obama did everything humanly possible to ram this Health Care legislation down the throats of the people prior to the August break, hoping that, like the stimulus package, no one would really read what was in it. And when he wasn’t successful in ramming it through, the legislators have now had to go home and feel the heat of a people who are extremely tired of their government not listening to them.
And, now that the voices are finally being heard what do our legislators and the media say? That this is an “Astro Turf” movement, that these people are unpatriotic. Even the Speaker of the house had the audacity to say that these people are un-American. These people, people from all walks of life, from white haired senior citizens to young people preparing to vote for the first time, many of whom are deathly afraid of the radical (Yes I mean radical) direction that our country is going. Some of these people have fought for our way of life overseas, and some have lost sons and daughters to protect our freedom. We hear that these “Un-American people are just the radical fringe and that their voices mean nothing and that the government should do what it wants anyway.
What alarms me in this debate is the hypocrisy of people like Nancy Pelosi (and many of my liberal friends) who denounced President Bush vehemently, who called him every name possible, who hammered every word he spoke, who protested the war and said that Bush was evil. These were the same people who supported organizations like Code Pink and Acorn who make it their point to disrupt every chance they can. The hypocrisy I see is that when this outrage was coming from their side, they had no problems with it, and now that the outrage is turned on them, it is now somehow un-American. Oh Please! All I can say is that conservative people have learned these tactics very well from our liberal friends. It certainly seemed to work for them.
To be honest, I didn’t think that there was anyway possible that the political pendulum in this country could swing back so quickly. All I can say is, thank-you Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and Barack Obama. You have managed to do in seven months what I assumed would take years and years.
Our country is and has been a center right nation. Bush in the end didn’t understand that, and apparently Barrack Obama doesn’t either. President Clinton figured it out in “94” after the last health care debacle. Is history repeating itself?
Now if you want to have a civil debate on the actual issues of Health Care. I am more than happy to enter that discussion. I believe that health care should be affordable, that there should be mechanisms in place to help those who want insurance to get it. I also believe that we need tort reform desperately. When an OB-GYN has to spend close to one million dollars per year on malpractice insurance, then our system is broken. I believe that private individuals should be able to pool together to buy health coverage and that it should be tax deductible. I believe that people should never have to decide between food and medication and that preexisting conditions should not be held against someone. I also believe that Government does have a role to play in this debate. These among other things are what I believe.
Let the debate begin.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Have you read Brian McLaren's open letter, it's a good one. He has consistently spoken honestly and respectfully on ever subject (in my opinion, even when I don't agree with him on him) http://www.brianmclaren.net/archives/blog/an-open-letter-to-conservative-c.html
I'm pretty sure you weren't referring to me when you warned your liberal friends not to read. As we have demonstrated in the past you and I get along so well despite our differences. :) Miss you Jim.
First of all Chrissy, I always value your views and opinions and you have helped me to see past my own view point many times and for that I am always grateful:)
And no, I wasn't referring to you because I know that you care how I feel:)
Second, yes I did read Brian's letter, but my thought was that for someone who seemed to be wanting to stretch out an olive branch of reconciliation and peace he spent a great deal of time insulting conservatives such as saying that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have more influence over conservatives than the four Gospels, that seemed pretty harsh to me especially if he was at all interested in promoting dialog.
Third, You know that you are one of my all time favorite people and to be honest I could care less about your political views, you always have a way of helping me to see what you need me to see without beating me over the head:)
I miss you too:)
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