I have been feeling a little out of the loop and a little out of sorts here lately as I have been reading the emails that my seminary has been sending out discussing the beginning of a new school year. I have also read many Facebook posts and read the thoughts of my colleagues as they prepare for another year of seminary education. What is missing this year? Me:(
The interesting thing (sad thing) is that I am not sure exactly how I feel about that. I know that I won’t miss those eight hour round trips in the car, or will I? I spent a great deal of quality time simply deep in thought and prayer during those trips. Perhaps on second thought I will miss those trips. (I, of course, am not speaking for my car, It never did enjoy the trips)
I certainly won’t miss all of those hours sitting in class! Or maybe I will. I learned so much simply being in that environment of great thought and ideas. I guess that those hours were so formative that maybe I will miss them after all.
I know for a fact that I will miss the people. This will be the most difficult part of all in not returning to seminary this fall. Ok, now I am getting depressed, maybe I should call over to MTSO and re-enroll in fall classes…Somebody talk me down here!!!!
Wait a minute, I know! I won’t miss the thousands and thousands of dollars that I have had to pay…Ok now I am felling better, and I won’t miss the hours spent writing what other people wanted me to write, and come to think of it, now I have time to read the books that I want to read, and I may actually have a little time for things like kayaking and fishing, oh and that rekindled RC airplane thing.
Whew, I was worried for a moment, I almost had to scrap this ministry thing and re-enroll in seminary. I thought I might have to start all over again just because I was going to miss it so much.
Good thing I talked myself out of it. Besides, Karen would have killed me and then divorced me, or maybe divorced me first and then killed me, either way, it’s a good thing I saw the light before it was too late:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
We'll miss you here this year, Jim! But onward and upward! You are pressing on in your calling, and that is a good thing! Blessings to you!
hahahahahaha :)
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