Guess what I signed up for… Nope that’s not it, guess again…No, I already did that… No, that’s not it either, besides, you know I would never do that! Ok, Give up? I signed up to swim the Ohio River. You don’t believe me? Oh, you do believe me, but can’t believe I would be that dumb. Oh, you believe I could be that dumb, but you figured Karen would be able to talk me out of something like that… Well be that as it may, that is what I signed up for.
So now that I have your attention, let me explain. As you know, I have been enjoying my time swimming at the YMCA. I have been swimming my ¾ of a mile pretty religiously, feeling better when I am done and watching my total time decrease fairly significantly. Well, last week we received the updated YMCA schedule for the fall and one of the opportunities listed was “Swim the Ohio.”
It describes the activity this way: “The Ohio River separates the state of Indiana from Kentucky and creates the southern border of Harrison County. If you could swim upstream from New Amsterdam to New Boston, you would cover 31 miles. Here is your opportunity to say that you swam the Ohio. Pick up a log sheet from the front desk and keep track of the distance you swim.”
“1650 yards=33laps/66 lengths = 1 mile”
(I know there are more yards in a mile than that, but apparently that is considered a swimmers mile, don’t ask me, I always base my laps on a mile being 1760 yards, but for this, I will take the lesser amount:)
“When you reach 31 miles you will receive a t-shirt and a certificate honoring your accomplishment!”
So the way I have it figured, I will have to swim 51,150 yards or 1023 laps or 2046 lengths.
I am currently swimming about 4050 yards per week so if all goes well, taking into account the fact that the pool will be closed for the next 2 weeks for maintenance, I will finish “swimming the Ohio” sometime around the middle of December, (good thing I will be inside, the Ohio could be very cold in December:)
I can already picture myself in my new t-shirt!
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Sounds like fun, something to take the boredom out of just doing laps. I did something like that on the AARP web site. I traveled on RT 66 from Chicago to the Pacific. For every minute I exercised, I got a mile and you could log in and see where you were on the road. Last I looked it was still on the website. You ought to take a look and you could do that too. I got a certificate when I was done. It was fun because there was a lot of history at the places on the site and it brought back some memoiries. We did drive on RT 66 when my husband was in the Marines and we were going to Camp Pendleton. Check it out. You get to pick out your car and everything. Good luck on your swim :) judy
Oh, now that sounds like fun, I could get my kicks on Route 66. (I bet a lot of people reading this will have no idea what I am talking about:)That does actually sounds like fun. We traveled out west a few times when I was a kid, and I assume we spent some of that time on RT 66, I also saw a program on either History Channel or Discovery where they traveled what is left of RT 66 and showed some of the landmarks and places of interest that remain.
I will have to look that up! Thanks:)
Isn't the Ohio river contaminated??? and dirty?
Naaaaa only if you drink it, swim in it, eat the fish out of it, get too close to it...
Let us know when you start the swim in the Ohio so we can cheer you on as you progress judy
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