I just thought I would make a public pronouncement that I am really angry with my son Ben… (Right now, if Crystal, his wife, is reading this, she is saying Uh ohh Ben, your dad is talking about you again, and if Ben is reading this, little beads of sweat are forming on his forehead:) But he did something the other day that I am not sure I will be able to easily forgive.
Has everyone clicked on Ben’s Blog link? If you haven’t, go ahead and do it now. It is titled “Amazing RC Plane Flight.” If he has already posted something new, go ahead and click on it anyway and watch the RC airplane video that he posted. At this point you may be asking what problem I could possibly have with that? (Ben probably already has it figured out) The problem is that it has rekindled a spark and a passion (addiction) that I haven’t had for probably eight years and that is my love for flying RC airplanes. I have already started talking with Karen about where I might set up a workshop here in the parsonage.
This afternoon we took a road trip to Louisville to scope out a couple of Hobby Shops, a pilgrimage that I haven’t made for years. Unfortunately, one of those shops was closed with a bunch of notes hanging on the door, none of which were very nice, with one of them being from the Sheriff. (I doubt that I will be visiting that store in the future:(
I have also done a little research and found the closest Radio Controlled Flying Field, I have been to the Academy of Model Aeronautics web site and got the up to date information on their insurance program. Did you know that the world headquarters for the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is right here in Muncie, Indiana? On the down side, I have discovered that my all time favorite magazine "RC Modeler" has gone by the way of the dinosaur and I have also discovered that there seems to be a big push for electric flight instead of the nitro methane powered planes that we usually fly. Not me! I love the smell of caster oil and nitro fuel in the morning:)
So Ben you have rekindled my addiction, it is just a matter of time before the Big Brown airplane truck starts making regular stops at my house. Don’t you remember the pain in your mothers eyes when you would ask, “Mommy where did Daddy go?” and she had to tell you the terrible news that a new airplane kit was delivered today and that you wouldn’t see your Daddy for months at a time until the new plane was ready for it’s maiden flight. Ben where is your humanity? How could you do this terrible thing to your mother?
Now for those of you who may be concerned about Karen. Perhaps you should know her true feelings about my time spent away at the flying field. It was customary, as the men would all gather on Sunday afternoon at our RC Flying field, to discuss the important issues of the day and to have a time of male bonding. For instance, one guy would boast that his wife told him that he had to be back home no later than 2:00 PM and he would look at his watch, and point to the fact that it was already almost 3:00 PM and he was still there.
Then the next guy would say, “Well I can top that, my wife told me that I couldn’t go flying at all today, and you can see where I am.” Then they would turn to me and expect me to top their story and all I could do was look down, kick the ground and say, Karen just looked at me and said “Don’t you think that you should get out of the house and go flying?” So perhaps being plunged back into this addiction is a good thing. Maybe I should be thanking Ben instead of being angry with him. But as I figure it, maybe it is Karen that will be the happiest. I think she appreciates getting me out of the house any chance she gets:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
1 comment:
WOW ! When I read the title of this entry I thought Ben, you are in big trouble. 3 names...but then I read on. Jim, you are too funny :)
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