I have been taught my entire life that there are two things that you just shouldn’t talk about: Religion and Politics. The problem is that one of these things is my life and love, and the other I am very passionate about. The problem is that no matter what I say, I am going to alienate about half of the people who read my blog, while the other half would say, “Way to go, preach it Brother Jim!” I am so incredibly frustrated this morning, and I don’t think that there is anything that I can do about it. So, let me just go ahead and alienate everyone.
I think that perhaps I can find in my dilemma, the real problem that I am feeling. No one is interested in listening to anyone else anymore. Everyone has their own agenda, and you are either for them or against them, there is no middle ground. If you don’t agree with a political view then you are simply full of hatred. If you speak out, then you are a radical.
I still remember the firestorm at MTSO (my seminary) when a student requested that Sam’s Club come on campus and offer memberships to the students. There were no death threats (that I know of) but the ensuing heated and nasty emails that resulted from this simple request blocked all possibility of a civil dialog. Oh, we did eventually have a ridiculous dialog, organized by the school administration in the cafeteria, but it was not at all worth the time that I took away from class work to attend. All minds were already made up and there wasn’t the least bit of interest in really listening to the other side.
We are so polarized as a nation, and I don’t see an end it sight. To my conservative friends, I would say that we as a nation must seek ways to help those who are at the bottom of the economic ladder. At the very least we must be willing to allow the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation. I for one was flabbergasted that we went over 9 years without raising minimum wage. We must also seek some sort of way to help those who are uninsured. We do indeed need some sort of health care reform. People living in the richest nation in the world should not have to choose between lifesaving drugs and groceries. We must also pray for our president to succeed, it is unacceptable to want him to fail, because if he fails, we all fail.
Now to my liberal friends I think that it is important for you to recognize that almost 69 million people did not vote for president Obama and although president Obama won by approximately 9.5 million votes, that really isn’t all that tremendous considering how despised George Bush was, with an approval rating in the low 20’s, an extremely unpopular war in Iraq and a nation in an economic crises. This is a time for our nation to pull together and for my liberal friends to be magnanimous in victory and seek to mend fences and reach across the isle.
Unfortunately, I don’t see that either side has learned anything. My conservative friends seem only slightly willing to give our new president a chance, and I am being generous here. And those who despised Bush are doing everything that they can to continue to blame him and vilify conservatives at every turn. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing for our nation to prosecute our past president for war crimes? I’m sure that a war crime trial or “truth commission” would be simply terrific for our standing in the world. We could all pack a picnic lunch and enjoy our democracy and nation being ripped to shreds. (Thank goodness that our president has more care, concern and compassion for our country than people like Keith Olberman who was “insulted” that President Obama isn’t seeking to move forward on this radical agenda) And yes, I was very much opposed to impeachment hearings for President Clinton as well!
Pendulums swing and so do the fortunes of political parties. If we don’t do something to break this horrific cycle of blame and persecution, (both parties do it), then we will continue to be a nation divided, and I for one am really tired of being divided!
I think that perhaps I can find in my dilemma, the real problem that I am feeling. No one is interested in listening to anyone else anymore. Everyone has their own agenda, and you are either for them or against them, there is no middle ground. If you don’t agree with a political view then you are simply full of hatred. If you speak out, then you are a radical.
I still remember the firestorm at MTSO (my seminary) when a student requested that Sam’s Club come on campus and offer memberships to the students. There were no death threats (that I know of) but the ensuing heated and nasty emails that resulted from this simple request blocked all possibility of a civil dialog. Oh, we did eventually have a ridiculous dialog, organized by the school administration in the cafeteria, but it was not at all worth the time that I took away from class work to attend. All minds were already made up and there wasn’t the least bit of interest in really listening to the other side.
We are so polarized as a nation, and I don’t see an end it sight. To my conservative friends, I would say that we as a nation must seek ways to help those who are at the bottom of the economic ladder. At the very least we must be willing to allow the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation. I for one was flabbergasted that we went over 9 years without raising minimum wage. We must also seek some sort of way to help those who are uninsured. We do indeed need some sort of health care reform. People living in the richest nation in the world should not have to choose between lifesaving drugs and groceries. We must also pray for our president to succeed, it is unacceptable to want him to fail, because if he fails, we all fail.
Now to my liberal friends I think that it is important for you to recognize that almost 69 million people did not vote for president Obama and although president Obama won by approximately 9.5 million votes, that really isn’t all that tremendous considering how despised George Bush was, with an approval rating in the low 20’s, an extremely unpopular war in Iraq and a nation in an economic crises. This is a time for our nation to pull together and for my liberal friends to be magnanimous in victory and seek to mend fences and reach across the isle.
Unfortunately, I don’t see that either side has learned anything. My conservative friends seem only slightly willing to give our new president a chance, and I am being generous here. And those who despised Bush are doing everything that they can to continue to blame him and vilify conservatives at every turn. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing for our nation to prosecute our past president for war crimes? I’m sure that a war crime trial or “truth commission” would be simply terrific for our standing in the world. We could all pack a picnic lunch and enjoy our democracy and nation being ripped to shreds. (Thank goodness that our president has more care, concern and compassion for our country than people like Keith Olberman who was “insulted” that President Obama isn’t seeking to move forward on this radical agenda) And yes, I was very much opposed to impeachment hearings for President Clinton as well!
Pendulums swing and so do the fortunes of political parties. If we don’t do something to break this horrific cycle of blame and persecution, (both parties do it), then we will continue to be a nation divided, and I for one am really tired of being divided!
Blessings (Even if you are no longer speaking to me:)
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