It seems like it is always about this time each week that I am starting to reflect on where I have been and what is to come. I have finished all of my seminary work for classes this week, so now I can begin to work on the week ahead. I am also continuing to get closer financially to the goal of graduation and each week that goes by, the reality that my journey through seminary is almost over continues to seep relentlessly into my consciousness.
Next week is a very challenging week. I have an hour long presentation to make in my Foucault class (yuck) I can’t imagine talking for an hour about Foucault! I think that I will try to come up with some real thought provoking questions for the class and turn them loose, if all goes well, I may only have to talk for 20 minutes and let the class handle the other 40 minutes. I also have a book to read for Evangelism and a test to take over the reading, so it should make for a busy week. Of course that doesn’t include preparation for Bible Study, services on Sunday and those countless odds and ends that tend to crop up during the week.
When I get home tonight around 9:30, I will have only four more trips to Ohio. That light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little brighter.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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