This is a statement that I have heard and believed my entire life, but never was it such an empirical truth for me until I made the decision to leave the comfort and security of my Chiropractic practice and enter ministry. Since that time I have had to sit back and just wonder in awe at the ways that I have seen God work in my life and in the life of others around me. But, with that said, yesterday my wonder and awe may have hit a new high.
Yesterday I had the opportunity once again to go visit my good friend Rick down in Jeffersonville IN. As I have posted before, Rick has been my friend longer than anyone else with the exception of my wife Karen. We have been though some wonderful times together as well as a few very difficult ones. When I met Rick yesterday, he handed me a stack of books for a paper that I am writing along with an envelope that he said I might want to open right away. So I looked at the envelope that had my name on it as well as the name and address of a couple that I didn’t know. As I opened the envelope I was shocked to see five $100 bills.
Rick said that he had talked to these friends of his (the names on the envelope) many times about my decision to leave my practice and enter ministry and that recently they had a conversation about the financial challenge that I was experiencing trying to have enough money to pay the school in order to have a zero balance and be able to graduate. These friends of Rick, that I have never met, wanted to help make sure that I would be able to graduate and they wanted to give me $500 toward that goal.
There are times when I have words and there are times when I don’t, and that was one of those times that I was speechless. God has continued to bless me over and over and over again on this journey. The funny thing is that I don’t understand why. Why have I been so blessed on this journey? Why did God choose me to begin with? God could certainly have picked someone smarter and better looking (it wouldn’t take much for either of those things). God could have picked someone who could speak much more eloquently or someone with more dedication, but for some reason, God has chosen me to go on this journey and each step of the way, God has seen to every need (not to be confused with wants) and just when I thought that I couldn’t make it, just when I found myself floundering in the middle of the river, barely treading water, with my nose just above the waterline, God has come along, swept me up in his arms and carried me safely to the shore.
I sure don’t know why God has done these things, I only know that God has. All I can say is that God sure does work in mysterious ways!
Yesterday I had the opportunity once again to go visit my good friend Rick down in Jeffersonville IN. As I have posted before, Rick has been my friend longer than anyone else with the exception of my wife Karen. We have been though some wonderful times together as well as a few very difficult ones. When I met Rick yesterday, he handed me a stack of books for a paper that I am writing along with an envelope that he said I might want to open right away. So I looked at the envelope that had my name on it as well as the name and address of a couple that I didn’t know. As I opened the envelope I was shocked to see five $100 bills.
Rick said that he had talked to these friends of his (the names on the envelope) many times about my decision to leave my practice and enter ministry and that recently they had a conversation about the financial challenge that I was experiencing trying to have enough money to pay the school in order to have a zero balance and be able to graduate. These friends of Rick, that I have never met, wanted to help make sure that I would be able to graduate and they wanted to give me $500 toward that goal.
There are times when I have words and there are times when I don’t, and that was one of those times that I was speechless. God has continued to bless me over and over and over again on this journey. The funny thing is that I don’t understand why. Why have I been so blessed on this journey? Why did God choose me to begin with? God could certainly have picked someone smarter and better looking (it wouldn’t take much for either of those things). God could have picked someone who could speak much more eloquently or someone with more dedication, but for some reason, God has chosen me to go on this journey and each step of the way, God has seen to every need (not to be confused with wants) and just when I thought that I couldn’t make it, just when I found myself floundering in the middle of the river, barely treading water, with my nose just above the waterline, God has come along, swept me up in his arms and carried me safely to the shore.
I sure don’t know why God has done these things, I only know that God has. All I can say is that God sure does work in mysterious ways!
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