Well, it has finally happened. The miracle that I have been praying for, for many months has been granted. As of 2:00 PM on Tuesday, I have a $0.00 balance at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and I have been cleared to graduate by the business office. Of course there is still the little detail of completing these last two classes, but that really shouldn’t be an issue unless something very unforeseen and unfortunate comes up. This has been such a long journey, and now I can officially see the finish line. I have even made reservations at a local hotel for all the kids who are planning on coming over for my graduation. I honestly think that the kids and Karen are more excited than I am.
To be honest, I am not completely sure how I am even feeling right now. Of course I am very happy and proud of what I have been able to accomplish with the help and support of a lot of people. I can honestly say that this has been the greatest and most difficult thing that I have ever done. I think that as I look back at my prior experience going through Chiropractic College, that I don’t remember it being quite so difficult. Perhaps that is because, for one thing, I honestly didn’t care as much back then. I wasn’t concerned with things like grade point average; I only cared about what I needed to learn to pass the next tests and the upcoming board exams. If it was just FYI or it wasn’t testable material, then I just didn’t care, and now looking back all those years ago I find my attitude unfortunate. However, I think that my outlook on education was probably just a byproduct of my age, because I see some remarkable similarities between the way that I was in Chiropractic College and some of my younger colleagues here in seminary.
I think another aspect of my feelings of mixed emotions can be a result of my trip over here to Ohio yesterday. As I was coming up the big hill from Versailles State Park, I suddenly heard a loud roaring sound. I couldn’t immediately recognize the sound, was it something in the wheel? (I have been having some vibration problems) Was it the exhaust system? Was it a tire issue? I just wasn’t sure, and it was raining, so I started looking for a place to pull over and as luck would have it, I saw a big driveway with a bunch of tow trucks, so I thought that this would be the best possible place. As I started to slow down, I could feel the car trying to slid out of control, but I managed to safely come to a stop in their gravel parking lot just as a cloud of blue smoke came blowing past my window. “This is not good,” I thought as I got out of the car. When I got to the back, I discovered the cause of my problem. The passenger rear tire was annihilated. (it was actually almost a new tire)
So in the rain, I took off the old tire and went to replace it with the donut, but then I realized that the donut was flat as well. I do carry a compressor with me, but I decided that I would go into the truck repair to see if they could put air in the tire for me. They were very kind and accommodating and soon I was on my way back out to the car to put the spare on and get back on my way. But as I leaned over to replace the tire I could hear a distinct ominous hissing sound. Oh noooo The spare tire had a nail in it:(
So, back inside for help. After a number of phone calls, the receptionist found a tire my size at the Marathon station in Milan IN which was about 5 miles away. She called one of the guys from the back who picked me up in his truck and took me to the station, waited while they put the new tire on my rim, and drove me back to my car. Words can not describe the relief, joy and thankfulness that I had for these people who were concerned for me, cared for me, and helped me. When I offered to give him $20.00 for gas and his time he said “Put your money away, if I can’t help out someone that is in need, then I’ve got no business being here.”
This experience seems to be a microcosm of my seminary experience. As I have traveled on my journey, I have encountered a number of trials and difficulties along the way, and just as I thought things would spiral out of control, there always seemed to be a hand that magically (or miraculously) took control and guided me to safety. Each step of my journey I have encountered people (angels) who have cared for me and have been concerned for me and have helped me, often times they were people that I didn’t even know. Then, once refreshed, repaired and ready to go, they would send me back out on my journey, wishing me well.
I have not made this journey alone. I could never have done this by myself. It has only been through God’s grace and the angels that I have encountered along the way that has made this possible. There is no doubt that for me, this journey has been the best of times…
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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