Sitting here in my office this morning, I watched as the sun rose above the Marathon Station. (So, Ok, it’s not the mountains, but it was still quite beautiful) Today is Maundy Thursday, the day that we commemorate Jesus’ last meeting with his disciples. This is the day that we reflect upon what it means to truly be a servant to our brothers and our sisters. We remember how Jesus washed the disciple’s feet and we think about how Peter was so entirely repulsed by this idea, until Jesus said that “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me,” to which Peter responded, “not just my feet, but my hands and head as well.” Are we willing to serve as Jesus served? In addition, are we willing to have our feet washed as well, or like Peter, does this idea repulse us? What does this mean for us today? Do we want our whole bodies washed clean like Peter, or would we rather just pass?
We also think about and reflect upon the sharing of the bread and the cup. Has this simply become a meaningless ritual to us? What significance does it hold for us today? Through the centuries following Jesus’ death and resurrection, wars have been fought and countless lives have been lost over differing understandings of the meaning and significance of Holy Communion. But today, are we even willing to make the effort to leave our houses, miss a night of “Survivor” and go to church and remember the night that the Eucharist was instituted? I have one young boy at Cana who when offered the bread on Communion Sunday’s always grabs a big chuck, much to the consternation of his mother, but for me, I love the symbolism of wanting all of Jesus that we can have. Maybe next time we should all take a big hunk of the bread, not only in Communion, but in our spiritual life. Allow Jesus to consume your thoughts, your actions and your deeds. Perhaps we should all approach our spiritual life with the same zest that my young friend approaches Communion.
This is also the day that we remember Jesus’ commandment to: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." In this world of corruption, greed and power, have we forgot what it means to love one another? Are we willing to put someone else’s needs above our own, or are we too quick to judge them unworthy? Can people tell that you are a disciple of Christ by your love? I have always loved the song “We are One in the Spirit” And they'll know we are Christians, By our love, by our love, Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love. It is my prayer that these words are true in your life.
Another event that we remember today is Christ’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." How often, do we pray for God’s will to be done? Oh we certainly pray those words in the Lords Prayer, but do we really mean what we are saying, or are we just repeating a series of memorized words. One of the difficult things for me is to simply turn my life over to Christ, to surrender everything, body mind and soul. On this most Holy of nights I encourage you to pray that God’s will be done in your life. In addition, I always add the prayer that God never allows me to get in the way of the plans that God has made, and I pray that God never allows me to become a stumbling block for others, but instead, always to be a stepping stone.
And finally, today we remember that this was the day that Jesus was betrayed. One of my favorite songs was written by Michael Card titled simply “Why?” In that song he asks, “Why did it have to be a friend who chose to betray our Lord, and why did he use a kiss to show that’s not what a kiss is for.” Only a friend can betray a friend a stranger has nothing to gain, and only a friend comes close enough to ever cause so much pain.” Have you been hurt by someone who was close to you? Christ understands your pain, for it was on this night that Jesus was betrayed by one that he loved with a kiss. Are we guilty of betraying Christ as well?
Take the time this evening to go to church. Find a worship service in your area and spend the time necessary to answer these questions in your life and to remember the sacrifice that was made for us. I will be praying for you today! God’s blessings and peace be with each of you on this Holy Day!
We also think about and reflect upon the sharing of the bread and the cup. Has this simply become a meaningless ritual to us? What significance does it hold for us today? Through the centuries following Jesus’ death and resurrection, wars have been fought and countless lives have been lost over differing understandings of the meaning and significance of Holy Communion. But today, are we even willing to make the effort to leave our houses, miss a night of “Survivor” and go to church and remember the night that the Eucharist was instituted? I have one young boy at Cana who when offered the bread on Communion Sunday’s always grabs a big chuck, much to the consternation of his mother, but for me, I love the symbolism of wanting all of Jesus that we can have. Maybe next time we should all take a big hunk of the bread, not only in Communion, but in our spiritual life. Allow Jesus to consume your thoughts, your actions and your deeds. Perhaps we should all approach our spiritual life with the same zest that my young friend approaches Communion.
This is also the day that we remember Jesus’ commandment to: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." In this world of corruption, greed and power, have we forgot what it means to love one another? Are we willing to put someone else’s needs above our own, or are we too quick to judge them unworthy? Can people tell that you are a disciple of Christ by your love? I have always loved the song “We are One in the Spirit” And they'll know we are Christians, By our love, by our love, Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love. It is my prayer that these words are true in your life.
Another event that we remember today is Christ’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." How often, do we pray for God’s will to be done? Oh we certainly pray those words in the Lords Prayer, but do we really mean what we are saying, or are we just repeating a series of memorized words. One of the difficult things for me is to simply turn my life over to Christ, to surrender everything, body mind and soul. On this most Holy of nights I encourage you to pray that God’s will be done in your life. In addition, I always add the prayer that God never allows me to get in the way of the plans that God has made, and I pray that God never allows me to become a stumbling block for others, but instead, always to be a stepping stone.
And finally, today we remember that this was the day that Jesus was betrayed. One of my favorite songs was written by Michael Card titled simply “Why?” In that song he asks, “Why did it have to be a friend who chose to betray our Lord, and why did he use a kiss to show that’s not what a kiss is for.” Only a friend can betray a friend a stranger has nothing to gain, and only a friend comes close enough to ever cause so much pain.” Have you been hurt by someone who was close to you? Christ understands your pain, for it was on this night that Jesus was betrayed by one that he loved with a kiss. Are we guilty of betraying Christ as well?
Take the time this evening to go to church. Find a worship service in your area and spend the time necessary to answer these questions in your life and to remember the sacrifice that was made for us. I will be praying for you today! God’s blessings and peace be with each of you on this Holy Day!
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