Tonight is one of those times that I have so many thoughts going through my mind that it is difficult to just pick one and share with you. One thought that I have is, How many Bibles does one person need? I have 11 Bibles sitting on my desk, 2 more within arms reach, and then the “Bible Works” program on my computer that has more different translations, including Greek and Hebrew, than I could ever use.
The funny thing is that I actually use all of these Bibles in one way or another. I have my “Life Application Study Bible” in the “New Living Translation” that I use because it is so easy to read and I don’t really have to think very hard while reading it. I have my “New Interpreter's Study Bible,” which is my primary research Bible, I have my new “Scofield Study Bible” in the “New King James Version” which was a gift from the local pastors in Crothersville, which I really enjoy reading. I use “The Message,” when I want to get a new perspective on the scriptures… Well, you get the idea. The funny thing is that one of my friends on Facebook the other day was talking about her Wesley Study Bible and I had just been wondering if I should invest in one of those as well. I’m sure Karen’s answer would be, “Another Bible! Are you crazy?” So maybe I just won’t tell her that I have been thinking about it. (My secret is safe with you, isn't it?)
And, while I am on the subject of books, I have been spending some time this afternoon unpacking boxes of books, which begs the question, “How many books does one person need?” I think that I have more books in my personal library than some of the public libraries that we saw in El Salvador. I actually felt sorry for those poor moving guys as they hauled box after box of those heavy books out of the old house and then into the new one. So, in solidarity with their pain, I thought (very briefly) about which ones I would get rid of. Unfortunately, they are all a bit like children to me, and I sure would never have entertained the thought of giving my kids away... selling them to the circus maybe, but definitely not giving them away. (he says with a big smile on his face) So, I will just have to consider never buying any more books… Actually, that thought about selling the kids to the circus reminds me of O Henry's story, "The Ransom of Red Chief" Maybe I should go buy the book and read to the Grand kids :)
Another thing that I did today was completely violate one of my own common sense, prime directives, “Never go into a new church and make immediate changes!” Well, I just couldn’t resist, I started working on the bulletins for Sunday’s worship and thought “oh let’s do this song here,” and “let’s move the offering over there,” and when I was done, I realized that I had completely switched around the order of worship. This will either be good or bad; I will let you know how it turns out on Sunday.
Actually, I have talked to several of the members of both congregations and they seem as excited about Sunday as I am. We are really looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know them all. The people that I have talked to have shared with me many of their ideas about church and worship and I have shared mine with them and I just feel like, here initially, we all seem to be on the same page, so I am trusting that the Holy Spirit won’t lead me astray in the initial changes that I have made. Of course, there is the possibility that it isn’t the Holy Spirit prodding these changes, it could just be my ego, and if that is the case, I could be in trouble:)
So anyway, those are a few of the multitude of thoughts rolling around in my head tonight. Karen is already in bed, the dog is fast asleep at my feet, and I am beginning to grow a little weary myself, so I think that I will just turn these things over to God tonight and perhaps by morning, God will have figured them all out for me:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
You are toooo funny :).....and I mean that in a good way :) :) :)
Judy, if you were referring to the part about selling the kids to the circus, I was serious about that. I actually got a tempting offer once when the Shrine Circus came to town, but Terri was afraid of the elephants so it didn't work out. But, as for the rest of it, the jury is still out on whether or not I was just kidding :)
I am not amused...
:) :) :) :)
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