Friday, July 31, 2009

Yes! I Am A Stupid American...

I am not sure how many of you had the "pleasure" to view Bill Maher’s interview on CNN a few days ago, too be honest, I’m really not sure what to even say about it. If this was just one person stating his or her views, I wouldn’t even bring it to your attention, because it wouldn’t be worth my time to write about it or your time to read about it. But what he is saying, his view that America is a stupid nation is a very widely held belief among those on the far left. I have heard these discussions many many times by my more liberal friends and professors.

As recently as July 4th I lifted up this same issue in my post “America, God Mend Thine Every Flaw”

There is a real dislike or dare I say even hatred of this country (or at least its people) by many on the far left. And, if they do love America, they certainly despise most Americans. I don’t want to point out the obvious to you, but Bill Maher was talking about YOU.

Now, don’t feel too badly about it, he was talking about me too and I for one am quite proud to be called a stupid American. I am stupid (in Bill Maher’s eyes) because I believe in God and go to church every Sunday. I am stupid because I study the Bible on a very regular basis and I have the audacity to even enjoy it and gain wisdom and insight from it. I am stupid because I think that the 10 commandments has a profound place in our nation and I am not hesitant to display it, talk about it and encourage others to follow it. Those 10 simple rules have worked very well for several thousand years and I am pretty sure that they are still a good idea for us to continue to follow. Don’t look now, but they still appear on the walls of the Supreme Court of this Nation:)

I’m also stupid because I happen to think that this is a pretty great nation to live in, I am also stupid because I think that our forefathers and mothers did an excellent job of framing the Constitution and I for one happen to be grateful for the sacrifices that they made in order that Bill Maher can say that everything they stood for was stupid. Isn’t the First Amendment a great thing:)

I am stupid because I happen to believe that abortion is a tragedy and that it ultimately destroys lives and that we should seek ways to reduce both abortions as well as unwanted pregnancies. I’m stupid because I happen to enjoy a NASCAR race on a Sunday afternoon or the occasional trip to the Bowling Ally with family and friends. I’m stupid because I believe that our nation is a good nation and each person is endowed by our creator with freedom and certain inalienable rights including life liberty and the ability to pursue happiness. Freedom is hard work and it requires diligence and sacrifice, nothing of which Bill Maher seems to understand anything about. Just out of curiosity I would love to know how much of his multimillion dollar salary he gives to charity? My guess is, not much. Why would he give money to people he thought were stupid?

So today, I am a stupid American and I stand with a lot of other stupid Americans and if the alternative means that I would be “smart” like Bill Maher? Then I think I will wear my title of stupid with dignity and honor, something else that Bill Maher and his kind doesn’t understand.
God Bless America
God Bless Bill Maher (he sure needs it)
And God Bless each of you, even if you are stupid like me:)


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