Well, step one is complete. The Mayflower Truck came early this morning and then the fun began. It was actually rather funny, I was sitting on the front porch waiting for the movers to arrive and I saw a small Mayflower Truck pull up in front of the house. As I assessed the situation, all I could think was that there would be no way that all of our junk was going to fit on that truck. But no sooner than that thought entered my mind a humongous Mayflower Semi coasted to a stop in front of our house and I knew that the work was about to begin, well at least for the movers.
I was so impressed by these guys, they had everything loaded and were on their way by 2:00 PM That was totally amazing to me. I do have one thing that was rather embarrassing. We managed to almost completely fill a 52 foot Semi. We have way too much junk and we will never move that much junk again. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know those of you who know me have heard that before, but this time I really mean it (Really I do)
We are now safely tucked into Terri's house and will meet the movers tomorrow morning at 8:30 in Corydon. If today is any example, they will be done and on their way back home by noon. (well, that may be a bit optimistic)
So, for tonight, we are just relaxing, enjoying a little pizza, watching some TV and recuperating from our long day of moving and preparing for what will be a busy day tomorrow. I am very thankful for Ben and Crystal and Terri for all of their work today! Plus, I am extremly thankful to Terri for the use of her Internet. (It is so good to be back in touch with the world)
This time tomorrow we will be in our new home, and Ben doesn't get to go home until the Internet is up and going:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Glad you could get online and let us know how things were going. Sounds like they are going well. Tomorrow night at this time, you might be setteled in or at least you stuff will be. Good luck
You know, Jim, today I was thinking of you and the many clergy friends I know who are moving this year, particularly when I was studying this week's lectionary gospel lesson. "He ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics." (Mark 6: 8 - 9). Sorta makes you think, huh?
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