I bet that you are tired of hearing me complain about Facebook, well today I have something very positive to say. Now, don’t get me wrong, every complaint that I ever had is still valid, but I now have to admit that Facebook also has the possibility of being very special as well. For the past couple of days I have been catching up with a dear old (well not that she is old, or I am old, or well, uhhh, you know what I mean…) friend, Carol. Actually, in High School, we sat near each other in band since the flute section was always next to the oboe section, we hung around the same group of friends and then we graduated together. (along with 981 other people:)
Since the 32 years after graduation, other than hearing periodic updates from Karen’s Mom who worked with Carol’s Mom in the Hospital, I had lost touch with her and pretty much everyone else that I knew from High School.
Well, through Facebook, I have been able to renew that friendship that was certainly lost, get caught up on a couple other friends and find out in general that I did an excellent job of picking friends in High School because they all seem to have turned out very well.
So today, I have to take back at least some of my negative thoughts and statements about Facebook and simply say that I am very grateful that it has been an excellent tool to reconnect me with some very special people, and also allow me to stay connected with many others that would likely have gone the way of my High School friends.
Today I am feeling very blessed. Thank-you Facebook!
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
1 comment:
I think if it weren't for facebook my class wouldn't be planning a 10 year reunion. Not nearly as long as you've been out, but I actually like the majority of people I went to high school with and I'm looking forward to seeing them.
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