Well, we have officially arrived at Annual Conference. The trip was uneventful except for the extremely heavy traffic. Once here, we found ourselves in what is either a brand new building or at the very least a newly remodeled one. The main dilemma that we have found is in the bathroom situation. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t really mean to complain, but let me share with you what I believe the situation to be. It appears that there is one bathroom for every 4-5 rooms which would mean that there is one bathroom for approximately every 8-10 people.
The bathroom itself consists of the main room (common area) with 2 sinks and then two individual rooms off the main room with a toilet and a shower. Ok, here is my dilemma. That means that this is a coed bathroom. Not a unisex, but coed. Here is the situation which scares me to death. Tomorrow morning I take my key, go down to the bathroom, open the door and standing inside at the sink is a half dressed woman.
So what do I do? Go on inside, go to the private room and go ahead and take my shower? Or follow my first impression and RUN!!!!!!!
Oh my! I may not sleep tonight! Maybe I should get up at 3 AM and take my shower to assure that there is no one in there, maybe I should just not take a shower or go to the bathroom at all for 4 days. Naaaaa that won’t work.
And just in case you were wondering, I explained the possible scenarios to Karen and she was about ready to head to a local Holiday Inn until I explained to her 1. There are absolutely no rooms in Muncie available and hasn’t been for months and 2. We don’t have any money for a room. Neither of these things seemed to deter Karen from telling me that the situation is my fault:)
Oh my goodness, this is going to be a long night as I ponder this dilemma. Karen decided that we would go down at the same time so that she could be in one shower and I could be in the other shower. I said that would be fine, but I didn’t explain that it wouldn’t help the situation of walking out of the shower and finding a half dressed man (in Karen’s case) or a half dressed woman (in my case) standing at the sink.
How on earth do the College kids handle this? I’m almost 50 years old and it has me totally bewildered. The kids probably don’t even care LOL
I’ll let you know how this all works out:)
The bathroom itself consists of the main room (common area) with 2 sinks and then two individual rooms off the main room with a toilet and a shower. Ok, here is my dilemma. That means that this is a coed bathroom. Not a unisex, but coed. Here is the situation which scares me to death. Tomorrow morning I take my key, go down to the bathroom, open the door and standing inside at the sink is a half dressed woman.
So what do I do? Go on inside, go to the private room and go ahead and take my shower? Or follow my first impression and RUN!!!!!!!
Oh my! I may not sleep tonight! Maybe I should get up at 3 AM and take my shower to assure that there is no one in there, maybe I should just not take a shower or go to the bathroom at all for 4 days. Naaaaa that won’t work.
And just in case you were wondering, I explained the possible scenarios to Karen and she was about ready to head to a local Holiday Inn until I explained to her 1. There are absolutely no rooms in Muncie available and hasn’t been for months and 2. We don’t have any money for a room. Neither of these things seemed to deter Karen from telling me that the situation is my fault:)
Oh my goodness, this is going to be a long night as I ponder this dilemma. Karen decided that we would go down at the same time so that she could be in one shower and I could be in the other shower. I said that would be fine, but I didn’t explain that it wouldn’t help the situation of walking out of the shower and finding a half dressed man (in Karen’s case) or a half dressed woman (in my case) standing at the sink.
How on earth do the College kids handle this? I’m almost 50 years old and it has me totally bewildered. The kids probably don’t even care LOL
I’ll let you know how this all works out:)
PS: I did a search for coed bathrooms and found the picture that I posted above. Karen thought that it was a bit risque, but then I explained to her that I agree and that she made my point exactly. What on earth am I going to do for the next 4 days????
I found myself in that situation in 1994 when my daughter Stacey graduated from Ithaca Collage. Only I didn't have the pre-knowledge to know it was co-ed or the option to walk out. It was empty when I went in the shower and when I walked out of the shower, there was a man wrapped in a towel brushing his teeth. You can imagine my SURPRISE...We lived through it but I have laughed about it many times since. So sleep well knowing you will have stories to tell when you go home. Enjoy all the experiences :)
I bet you miss the dorms at MTSO, huh, Jim?! Hang in there. It's just 4 days and you will likely have some great sermon illustrations in the end.
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