I don’t even know where to begin. These past few days at Annual Conference have been completely remarkable. The Worship services have been awesome, the lessons were both practical and inspirational. I have never heard the Bishop more on his game, (truly inspired) and the mission work on Saturday afternoon was a complete blessing. Then of course there is the little matter of the Service of Ordination and Commissioning this morning. All I can say about that is WOW! I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of the Bishop laying his hands on me. I could truly feel God’s presence.
The most memorable moment, however, was when the Bishop asked those people to come forward who had felt that they were being called into ministry. I watched as young people, old people and every age in between came forward to be prayed over as they sought to discern God’s call on their life. I had tears steaming down my cheeks as I watched the faces of these brave souls coming forth, not at all knowing why they were coming or what God had in store for them, only knowing that God had in some way forced them up out of their comfortable seat in the auditorium and compelled them to come forward and answer a call that they couldn’t possibly begin to understand.
This was so moving for me because I was one of those people just a few short years ago. I had just made the decision to enter the ministry. The only people on earth who knew of my decision were my Pastor and Karen, and it was my Pastor who had encouraged me to attend the Service of Ordination at Annual Conference.
Friday night during the Ordination Service, Bishop White began what I thought was going to be an alter call. I thought, how odd it was that he would do an alter call when most of these people were already leaders in the church. He then said that “right here this evening there are people among you who God is calling into ministry. I want you to come down now from your seats, come forward and we will pray with you about your decision.” I was frozen in my seat. I didn’t know what to do. He was talking to me. I knew he was talking directly to me.
I wanted to stand but I was afraid. “I’m not ready to tell anyone yet! I know that there are people here tonight who know me. What will they think? It’s not time yet!” All of these and a thousand more thoughts rushed through my mind in an instant. Tears welled up in my eyes, what should I do? What could I do? Suddenly, the debate was over as quickly as it started, I knew what I had to do. I leaned over to my Pastor and asked “Will you go with me?” He nodded and together we made the long walk to the front of the auditorium. I really don’t remember much of what happened after that. I do remember that it was then that I made a covenant with God, to go where God leads me, and to serve God for the rest of my life.
That night played a pivotal role in my decision to enter ministry and this morning all of those thoughts feelings and emotions came flooding back to me in an instant.
I will never forget that night nor will I ever forget the feelings of this morning as the Bishop put his hands on me. “Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place!”
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Awesome! Just awesome!
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