I really need to simply quit watching the news. It seems like all I ever do anymore is get completely disgusted, but yet, for some reason, I feel like I need to watch just to make some attempt to keep up with what is going on in the world.
Yesterday I caught a little bit about the most recent attack on Sarah Palin, more significantly on her 14 year old daughter. Now, first of all, in case you didn’t already know it, I happen to like Governor Palin. I like her for much the same reason that I like Vice President Joe Biden, because she shoots from the hip and she says what she means. Perhaps sometimes, like Joe Biden, she says things that might not come out exactly the way that she planned them, but at least they are her own true feelings, spoken in the moment and not what a speech writer or pollsters wants her to say.
This most recent attack came from David Letterman who “joked” on Tuesday night about Sara Palin’s recent visit to New York where she was working to raise money to help developmentally disabled people. While there, she and her family took in a baseball game at Yankee Stadium where Letterman joked, "There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch; her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" (who is a Yankee player) and "The hardest part of her trip was keeping Elliott Spitzer (The Governor) away from her daughter."
I just don’t understand how we have degenerated so far as a nation. As you know, I have commented many times about the complete and totally disgusting way that we treat each other, especially the press and media. But, is there no one left to stand up for a 14 year old little girl. Oh yes, I heard the “apology” of David Letterman, who didn’t really apologize at all. Usually when someone apologizes we find the words, “I’m sorry” somewhere in the sentence. Well, I guess David Letterman doesn’t understand that simple rule of etiquette.
I watched with interest as the women on “ The View” got involved in the discussion and I thought that Barbra Walters did a magnificent job of condemning this “joke” and stating in unequivocal terms that the children of our politicians should be OFF LIMITS. But, of course, Joy Behar seemed to find nothing wrong with Letterman’s comments. Apparently she only finds these types of comments disgusting when they are said about people that she likes or agrees with. If they are said about someone that she doesn’t like, such as Sarah Palin, then she is totally fine with it.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, and I will keep saying it as long as I have breath. The dialog must change in this nation. It is NEVER alright to insult someone because you disagree with them, it is NEVER alright to call someone names because they believe differently than you do. It is NEVER alright to use sexism as a way to attack someone that you don’t agree with. It is NEVER alright to attack the 14 year old daughter of a politician, or anyone else for that matter. Oh yes, I heard the lame excuse used by Letterman that he wasn’t talking about the 14 year old daughter, he was actually talking about Bristol Pailn the 18 year old (who wasn’t even there) Wake up world! It is not acceptable to attack an 18 year old young girl in such a vulgar fashion either.
Once again, I wait for my feminist friends to stand up and condemn this blatant offensive sexist statement, as well as the other comments Letterman made, something about Palin and having a “slutty flight attendant look,” which I found to be sexist and demeaning not only to Pailin, but to ALL women. But, as usual, which I find very disappointing, feminists only seem to stand in outrage against sexism when it is directed at more liberal woman such as Hilary Clinton or Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. I have been told recently by some of my very liberal friends, who I dearly love, that “All means All” and that inclusive means everyone. I personally believe this statement, and work very hard to live up to it, even though, admittedly, I sometimes fall short.
On the other hand, I am patiently waiting to hear the same type of honesty and outrage from my liberal friends, when something like David Letterman’s statement is made about a conservative as I hear when they are said about someone who is more liberal.
When the outrage is equal and fair then I will believe that we have made progress as a nation. I’m waiting!
Yesterday I caught a little bit about the most recent attack on Sarah Palin, more significantly on her 14 year old daughter. Now, first of all, in case you didn’t already know it, I happen to like Governor Palin. I like her for much the same reason that I like Vice President Joe Biden, because she shoots from the hip and she says what she means. Perhaps sometimes, like Joe Biden, she says things that might not come out exactly the way that she planned them, but at least they are her own true feelings, spoken in the moment and not what a speech writer or pollsters wants her to say.
This most recent attack came from David Letterman who “joked” on Tuesday night about Sara Palin’s recent visit to New York where she was working to raise money to help developmentally disabled people. While there, she and her family took in a baseball game at Yankee Stadium where Letterman joked, "There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch; her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" (who is a Yankee player) and "The hardest part of her trip was keeping Elliott Spitzer (The Governor) away from her daughter."
I just don’t understand how we have degenerated so far as a nation. As you know, I have commented many times about the complete and totally disgusting way that we treat each other, especially the press and media. But, is there no one left to stand up for a 14 year old little girl. Oh yes, I heard the “apology” of David Letterman, who didn’t really apologize at all. Usually when someone apologizes we find the words, “I’m sorry” somewhere in the sentence. Well, I guess David Letterman doesn’t understand that simple rule of etiquette.
I watched with interest as the women on “ The View” got involved in the discussion and I thought that Barbra Walters did a magnificent job of condemning this “joke” and stating in unequivocal terms that the children of our politicians should be OFF LIMITS. But, of course, Joy Behar seemed to find nothing wrong with Letterman’s comments. Apparently she only finds these types of comments disgusting when they are said about people that she likes or agrees with. If they are said about someone that she doesn’t like, such as Sarah Palin, then she is totally fine with it.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, and I will keep saying it as long as I have breath. The dialog must change in this nation. It is NEVER alright to insult someone because you disagree with them, it is NEVER alright to call someone names because they believe differently than you do. It is NEVER alright to use sexism as a way to attack someone that you don’t agree with. It is NEVER alright to attack the 14 year old daughter of a politician, or anyone else for that matter. Oh yes, I heard the lame excuse used by Letterman that he wasn’t talking about the 14 year old daughter, he was actually talking about Bristol Pailn the 18 year old (who wasn’t even there) Wake up world! It is not acceptable to attack an 18 year old young girl in such a vulgar fashion either.
Once again, I wait for my feminist friends to stand up and condemn this blatant offensive sexist statement, as well as the other comments Letterman made, something about Palin and having a “slutty flight attendant look,” which I found to be sexist and demeaning not only to Pailin, but to ALL women. But, as usual, which I find very disappointing, feminists only seem to stand in outrage against sexism when it is directed at more liberal woman such as Hilary Clinton or Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. I have been told recently by some of my very liberal friends, who I dearly love, that “All means All” and that inclusive means everyone. I personally believe this statement, and work very hard to live up to it, even though, admittedly, I sometimes fall short.
On the other hand, I am patiently waiting to hear the same type of honesty and outrage from my liberal friends, when something like David Letterman’s statement is made about a conservative as I hear when they are said about someone who is more liberal.
When the outrage is equal and fair then I will believe that we have made progress as a nation. I’m waiting!
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