Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Busy Day!

Today was one of those days that I wasn’t able to accomplish anything that I had planned, but I can say that it has still been a good day. We began the day with an emergency trip to the dentist with my daughter Terri. She has been having trouble with a tooth for a while now, and it finally reached a point where something had to be done. Three hours later, Terri left the dentists office with a mouth full of gauze and a prescription for pain medication. Poor Terri:(

This evening was our weekly Community Dinner which was, of course, excellent as always, and now we are just relaxing getting ready to watch a movie. I left out the part of the day where I answered those phone calls and put out all of those fires which always seem to inevitably pop up in the life of a pastor, but I am starting to get used to those. I wouldn’t know what to do if one or two of those didn’t show up in the course of a day.

Tomorrow I begin the process of packing up my office, although I am sure that there are a few other things that might take my attention away from such an exciting task. (Honestly, I am hoping for something else to come up, call me, I would rather do almost anything else)

Each day seems to bring with it something new and something challenging. This is as it should be!


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