Basically today I have two books to get through. I really do need to quit procrastinating! One of the books is for Evangelism class on Wednesday and we will be having a reading quiz over that one, and the other book is for my Foucault class tomorrow and I will be answering 4 questions on that reading. All in all, I would say that these readings alone will keep me pretty busy today, unfortunately I also have another “To Do” list which is even longer. I know what you’re thinking, I really should quit complaining. Even though it sounds like I am complaining, actually I’m not really, well, not a lot anyway:) Each one of these assignments is one more that I can check off my list to get done before May and each week of heading to Ohio brings me one week closer to the last trip.
I have pondered many times about what my thoughts and feelings will be when I make the last trip over to Seminary (pondering is one of those things I do very well), preparing to hand in my final work. I will bet that there will be a certain amount of mixed emotions. I will definitely be glad to be finished with the drives over and back, and my car will certainly appreciate the rest. I will be very glad to be finished with all of that school work as well. I won’t have nearly as much reading and writing to do, especially the kind that someone else asks me to do, instead I will be able to do the reading and writing that I want to. But ultimately, I think that there will be a certain amount of sadness. There will be people that I won’t get to see very often, and some that I will never see again, and that will be sad.
Oh well, I guess I should get busy reading these books, there will be plenty of time to reflect once I get the work done, but we procrastinators always love to spend more time thinking about what needs to be done than we do actually doing it :)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Before you make that last drive... we HAVE to get together. Don't forget me in all the celebrating.
Chrissy my friend, I could never forget you! You are one of my all time favorite people!!! Now that I have Facebook, I have enjoyed following along in more of your day to day life. The only thing is that I hope that you feel more like blogging soon, I miss your enteries:)
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