One of the key programs that is being initiated with the merger of the North and South Indiana Conference is an opportunity for the churches to work together in Ministry Clusters. Last night we attended the meeting which was designed to begin this process. I have to admit that I was very proud of the turnout from Crothersville and Cana last night. Between the two churches, we had 8 people representing our congregations, I’m not sure that even the larger churches did better than that.
We had the opportunity to meet with Bishop Coyner and discuss what was expected of our congregations, and also to get an understanding of the vision that is being created for the new Indiana Conference. It was very much a party atmosphere, with each church bringing signs like a political convention. It was all very exciting.
Ultimately, Crothersville and Cana have agreed to work with 5 other churches right up and down the I-65 corridor and I think that we have a good blend of larger churches and smaller churches which should be beneficial to everyone.
On the personal side of last night, I couldn’t believe how many people came up to me to congratulate me on my acceptance by the Board of Ordained Ministry. I didn’t know that so many people were even aware of it. On the other hand, it was definitely a little intimidating as well as humbling to hear two different District Superintendents tell me that my name has come up in the Cabinet Meetings with the Bishop. (I wish I knew what they were talking about.) I’m glad that I gave up on the idea of having control over my life a long time ago. I think I will just sit back and see what God has planned for me.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
God only plans good things :)
Our conference...Wyoming also in the process of being devided and merged into 2 differrent conferences. The southern half, which is us, is merging with the Central but I think the name will be changed to the Susquehanna. Was scary at first because we are such a small church we thought we would be swallowed up by the larger ones but from what I hear, the meetings are going forward on a positive note.
Ok I have to admit that you threw me for a minute. When I saw Wyoming Conference I was totally confused. "Judy doesn't live in Wyoming?" Ok, before I made a complete fool out of myself, I looked up Wyoming Conference, Who would have thought that Wyoming Conference was in New York and Pennsylvania. You learn something new everyday:)
So far I think that this will be good, but I do have a fear of one day having to move from an appointment in the Southern part of Indiana where we are now, to up near Chicago:(
That would be bad on a great number of levels, long winter, too much snow, too far from the kids... Oh well, I guess when we signed up for this we agreed to go where we were called. But to Gary Indiana? Hmmmm
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