Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles
God took up Daniel once again,
Stood by his and side and- miracle of miracles
Walked him through the lions den!
Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles
I was afraid that God would frown,
But like he did so long ago, at Jericho,
God just made a wall fall down!
I thought these lines from one of my favorite songs from "Fiddler on the Roof" were a perfect way to describe what I am feeling today. I will fill you in on all the details next time, but I am woefully behind on my reading and questions for my Foucault class tomorrow, and too be honest, I am just about wiped out!
Thank-you for all of your prayers and support, I felt everyone of them!!!!!
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Our God is an awesome God !
I had faith in you Jim, I knew you could do it. I'm sure it was the fact that you went in there and told them I said you were alright that put you over the top.
I think that you are exactly right. As soon as I told them that I was OK in Chrissy's book, they stopped asking questions, put down their pencils and said, that was good enough for them:)
PS: God sure is awesome:)
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