Today has been a busy day for us. We started off the morning with a trip to our favorite restaurant, Cracker Barrel, and then we made it back home in time for me to put the finishing touches on the funeral service for this afternoon. I mentioned in my last post, what an honor it is to be invited into the close circle of the family at such a difficult time, and I always come away feeling incredibly blessed as I was today.
I also had the experience of watching the local VFW do their 21 gun salute and play taps, that was my first opportunity to experience that as a part of a funeral. I truly am amazed at the dedication of the men and women who perform this service for their deceased brothers and sisters.
When I arrived back home I checked my schools web site to see if the grades for this semester had been posted yet, and I was pleased to see how efficient they were, having them up exactly when they said that they would….
Oh, you want to know what my grades are? :) Well, actually I did pretty well, not as well as I strive for, but probably better than I deserved. I got an A in my preaching class, Homiletics, which is far better than I expected after getting hammered so hard on my first sermon, (if you remember my sharing with you about that). I got an A in my Muti-religious America class, which was the class that I got my first A+ on a paper. That was actually one of the most enjoyable classes that I have taken in seminary, outside of the Biblical studies classes. I got a B+ in History of Spirituality, I like the professor, but I never have been able to get an A from him. And the one that I was a little bummed about was a B+ in United Methodist Polity, which is the class that I turned in the 54 pages of writing for. After all that work, I should have gotten an A just for effort, I guess he didn’t see it that way. Oh well, I am sure my Mom would have been pleased with those grades. (Isn’t it funny the thoughts that come to mind, even after my Mom has been gone almost 12 years, and lets face it I am no spring chicken myself, I still think about wanting to show my Mom my report card)
Now tonight I have 3 services on Sunday to prepare for, the Christmas Eve Service to finalize, work on a few more Board questions, (No I didn’t get finished by the 19th) And, then since it is Friday night, I think I will spend some time relaxing in the recliner with the house lights off and the Christmas tree lights on and just listen to some Christmas music.
Sounds like a good evening :)
I also had the experience of watching the local VFW do their 21 gun salute and play taps, that was my first opportunity to experience that as a part of a funeral. I truly am amazed at the dedication of the men and women who perform this service for their deceased brothers and sisters.
When I arrived back home I checked my schools web site to see if the grades for this semester had been posted yet, and I was pleased to see how efficient they were, having them up exactly when they said that they would….
Oh, you want to know what my grades are? :) Well, actually I did pretty well, not as well as I strive for, but probably better than I deserved. I got an A in my preaching class, Homiletics, which is far better than I expected after getting hammered so hard on my first sermon, (if you remember my sharing with you about that). I got an A in my Muti-religious America class, which was the class that I got my first A+ on a paper. That was actually one of the most enjoyable classes that I have taken in seminary, outside of the Biblical studies classes. I got a B+ in History of Spirituality, I like the professor, but I never have been able to get an A from him. And the one that I was a little bummed about was a B+ in United Methodist Polity, which is the class that I turned in the 54 pages of writing for. After all that work, I should have gotten an A just for effort, I guess he didn’t see it that way. Oh well, I am sure my Mom would have been pleased with those grades. (Isn’t it funny the thoughts that come to mind, even after my Mom has been gone almost 12 years, and lets face it I am no spring chicken myself, I still think about wanting to show my Mom my report card)
Now tonight I have 3 services on Sunday to prepare for, the Christmas Eve Service to finalize, work on a few more Board questions, (No I didn’t get finished by the 19th) And, then since it is Friday night, I think I will spend some time relaxing in the recliner with the house lights off and the Christmas tree lights on and just listen to some Christmas music.
Sounds like a good evening :)
Very Good Grades Dad! BTW I like to go to cracker barrel too...
Well, Terri, I am glad that you like Cracker Barrel because I know of at least 2 of your Christmas presents that came from there:)
woo hoo!!
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