We have arrived at New Years Eve. I must admit that I have never been a big fan of New Years Eve celebrations. If anything, they always tend to make me a bit sad. While everyone else is celebrating and ringing in the New Year, due to my personality, I tend to be a little more subdued and introspective. I think about the year that has just past, I think about those who are no longer with us. I reflect on the triumphs as well as the tragedies of the year, then I think about the year to come, not necessarily with the sense of optimism that I should have, but with a bit of wonder and concern about what the New Year is going to bring.
Ok, I know that this isn’t showing much faith, but I really do have deep faith. I know that whatever happens to me in the next year God will see me through it. Whatever catastrophes occur, God will give me the strength and wisdom to survive. But with that being said, I also understand that the year ahead will be a challenging one. We are still short one miracle for me to graduate, I have no idea what will happen with the Board of Ordained Ministry interviews which will be coming up in March, I have absolutely no idea where we will be appointed after Graduation. Will I stay where I am? Will I be moved? Will I have my appointment discontinued with no further appointments to come? These are the things that go through my mind on New Years Eve. I’m kind of a bummer to be around today, aren’t I?
I remind myself of Billy Crystal in the movie City Slickers when he wakes up on his birthday, and is always depressed, There is one scene where I believe he is at work and is talking about how terrible things are and his coworker says, Oh that’s right Happy Birthday, as his co-worker recognizes that this is the way that he acts on his birthday. Well, I don’t ever let birthdays bother me, but I do tend to get this way a bit on New Years Eve.
But, the good news is that once I wake up January 1, I am back to normal and ready to face the world. So bear with me, let me get through today and tomorrow morning, I am back to my warm and lovable personality. Well, maybe that is an exaggeration:)
Oh, by the way, the song that I have shared with you is written and performed by Barry Manilow. This is another one of his obscure songs that I really like, and if you listen to the words you will see that Barry must think a lot like I do on new Years Eve.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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