Last night I had a truly wonderful experience, actually two wonderful experiences if you include watching Bob become the million dollar winner on Survivor. We had the opportunity to go back to our home church in Seymour and watch their Christmas program and Cantata. Of course, watching Mary sing in the children’s choir was a great highlight, but it was something more than that which made the evening so special.
From the moment that I saw the beautifully decorated sanctuary and heard the awesome pipe organ, I was reminded of something that was priceless to me. These were the people who nurtured me in my faith, and this was the place where I learned how to do ministry. Perhaps, one of the things that made the evening so poignant was that four years ago, almost to the day, I was meeting with the Pastor Parish Committees of my two churches in preparation to begin my appointment as their pastor, but at the same time I was busy leading the Chancel Choir and Hand Bell Choir at my home church of Trinity as we sang many of the same songs that I heard last night. The wonderful warm memories that last night brought back were quite palpable.
I’m, not sure how to put this, I don’t want this to sound unappreciative, or come across that I have any regrets, because I really don’t, but I guess that it is only human to compare my life now to how it was four years ago, and last night I was struck by something that was significant for me.
The most common question that I am asked on a regular basis is, do you miss your practice? The truth is, I don’t miss my office, although I do miss seeing the people. I honestly don’t necessarily miss the money, although I think that I do miss the freedom (and added security) that it gave to us. I really can’t imagine enjoying anything more or loving anything more than I have these past four years as I have been in ministry with the people at Cana and Crothersville. It has been such a great blessing, the way that they have taken us in, cared for us and made us a part of their family. I have also been incredibly blessed with the opportunity to attend seminary and be taught by some of the greatest theological mind in the world.
But, after last night, I realized how much I do miss my home church, singing in and being a part of the Trinity choir, and hearing that beautiful pipe organ every week. I miss simply sitting in the sanctuary, listening to the bell choir, gazing at the beautiful stained glass windows, and most of all, I miss the people.
Last night was an opportunity to “go home” if only for a little while. It was a chance to sit for a moment and rest before getting back to the work that God has given me to do. A few posts ago I shared with you my favorite poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost and I shared with you how frequently I think about those words, well last night was one of those times.
As I sat quietly in the sanctuary, listening and remembering, “watching the woods fill up with snow,” I thought how wonderful it was to enjoy the woods so dark and deep, but I do indeed have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep. So, I simply thank God for that opportunity last night to pause, reflect, refresh and remember, knowing that even though I have miles to go before I sleep, and my future is uncertain, even though my destination is unknown and sometimes I wonder where God is leading me, I know that I am traveling the road that God has planned for me, and for that knowledge, I am most content.
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