This is perhaps a strange time of year to talk about, out with the old and in with the new. Most of the time when we hear these words it is in relation to the start of a brand New Year. We hear them as we are gathering with family and friends on December 31st to eat those little wieners served with barbeque sauce in the crock-pot and toast the start of an exciting New Year with our glasses of Pepsi held high. Of course, I am sure that when we get closer to the New Year I will tell you my real feelings about New Years Eve and New Year celebrations, but for now at least you get the picture of what I mean.
This week actually is the beginning of a New Year, at least in one way. When I first began preaching, my best friend and Mentor Ron introduced me to the book “The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner. This is an excellent resource. As a matter of fact, it is probably second only to the Bible as far as the reference that I use every week in preparation for the worship service. This book has all four of the recommended Scripture readings listed for the week, a list of recommended hymns along with many other suggestions on ways to make the worship service more meaningful. It also indicates the appropriate liturgical color for that Sunday (this Sunday is green as it has been since Pentecost) and the liturgical name for the Sunday such as this Sunday is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost.
Anyway, I am sure that you are wondering what on earth all of this information has to do with, out with the old and in with the new. Well, last Sunday was the last Sunday of the old book and this Sunday starts the beginning of the new book. The new one is so nice and sleek and unmarked, no pages dog eared and no pages highlighted. It is like beginning a new year on a fresh slate. As I flip through the pages I begin to think about sermon topics and what hymns I might want to use. I begin to think about Thanksgiving, and Advent. I wonder what will be happening in the church as these pages are turned one by one.
This changing of books is a reminder to me that each day is a new beginning; each day is a day where you are allowed to make a choice to follow the path which God has set before you or choose a different road. Each day we are presented with new options, and opportunities. Today is a day of new beginnings for you, don’t let the opportunities pass you by.
This week actually is the beginning of a New Year, at least in one way. When I first began preaching, my best friend and Mentor Ron introduced me to the book “The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner. This is an excellent resource. As a matter of fact, it is probably second only to the Bible as far as the reference that I use every week in preparation for the worship service. This book has all four of the recommended Scripture readings listed for the week, a list of recommended hymns along with many other suggestions on ways to make the worship service more meaningful. It also indicates the appropriate liturgical color for that Sunday (this Sunday is green as it has been since Pentecost) and the liturgical name for the Sunday such as this Sunday is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost.
Anyway, I am sure that you are wondering what on earth all of this information has to do with, out with the old and in with the new. Well, last Sunday was the last Sunday of the old book and this Sunday starts the beginning of the new book. The new one is so nice and sleek and unmarked, no pages dog eared and no pages highlighted. It is like beginning a new year on a fresh slate. As I flip through the pages I begin to think about sermon topics and what hymns I might want to use. I begin to think about Thanksgiving, and Advent. I wonder what will be happening in the church as these pages are turned one by one.
This changing of books is a reminder to me that each day is a new beginning; each day is a day where you are allowed to make a choice to follow the path which God has set before you or choose a different road. Each day we are presented with new options, and opportunities. Today is a day of new beginnings for you, don’t let the opportunities pass you by.
1 comment:
It's funny you should make those last comments. I've made a pretty touch decision and am faced with all kinds of options. But we will talk about that soon my friend.
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