I have always heard that if you live long enough you could see just about anything. Well, I have lived in the Midwest for the greatest majority of my life, and although I have seen the remnants of many hurricanes move though, I have never experienced anything like what we have been though with Ike.
It all started on Sunday after Crothersville UMC’s 140th birthday celebration in our new Fellowship Hall. The wind began to blow harder than I have ever experienced in my life, at least for any extended periods of time. I knew that it was bad when I walked out of church to the sound of a plate glass window breaking across the street. Ben, Crystal and the kids had come down to watch the football game, but instead they came over to the church because we didn't have electricity at the house. Of course this greatly disappointed Ben, because he was missing his Colt’s game and it didn’t help when he realized that it would probably be prudent for them to stay with us since they live in a trailer. Despite the desire to watch the game, they decided to come and weather the storm with us.
By the time we went to bed Sunday night power had been restored to approximately half of Crothersville, unfortunately we were in the half that was still in the dark. Monday morning I got up and headed over to Ohio to Seminary. On the way I talked to Terri and found out that Louisville had over 280,000 people without power, including them and Southern IN was out as well, which wasn’t exactly a surprise. Then as I got closer to Cincinnati I heard that 600,000 people in Southern Ohio were without power and that the Columbus area had been hit even harder than they were. Uh oh, this didn’t sound good at all. Then as I got closer to Columbus I found out that the reports were correct and that they were without power as well. I have never seen a storm with such a wide impact.
When I got to school, I discovered that they didn't have power so I spent Monday night in the dark, got up on Tuesday morning and talked with the president of the college and several other students and officials. The bottom line was that no one knew anything and that the word on the street was it may be Wednesday or even next week before power would be restored. So in the middle of Tuesday afternoon, not wanting to drive home in the dark, especially traveling through areas without power, I decided to head for home regardless of the decision about school for Wednesday.
When I got home, I found out that we were still without power here as well so last night was the third night that we spent in the dark. But, there was a glimmer of hope, BJ and Trina from Cana UMC stoped by with a gift from God, A GENERATOR!!!! Whoo hoooooo! We had light again. We only used it for about 30 minutes last night because we didn’t want to disturb the neighbors, but this morning I am able to get back on the computer and get back in contact with the world. I realize that there are those among you that will question my priorities such as, With all of the things that you could plug in, you chose your computer first? Well that isn’t exactly true, I plugged in the fish aquarium first, those poor little guys were looking pretty sickly without air and filtration.
So I am sitting here in a dark house, with my computer plugged into the generator and I am finally able to be back in contact with the world. We have now been without power for almost 72 hours which is probably 3 time longer than I have been without electricity in my life, well except for the times that Ben and I went fishing up in Canada, but that was different, we did that on purpose, (and Karen wasn’t with us). I am sure that I will be able to reflect theologically on all of these experiences soon, but for right now, I just want a cold Pepsi, light to read by, TV to watch, (I can’t believe I missed the first episode of "Biggest Looser Family" last night) and my computer back.
It all started on Sunday after Crothersville UMC’s 140th birthday celebration in our new Fellowship Hall. The wind began to blow harder than I have ever experienced in my life, at least for any extended periods of time. I knew that it was bad when I walked out of church to the sound of a plate glass window breaking across the street. Ben, Crystal and the kids had come down to watch the football game, but instead they came over to the church because we didn't have electricity at the house. Of course this greatly disappointed Ben, because he was missing his Colt’s game and it didn’t help when he realized that it would probably be prudent for them to stay with us since they live in a trailer. Despite the desire to watch the game, they decided to come and weather the storm with us.
By the time we went to bed Sunday night power had been restored to approximately half of Crothersville, unfortunately we were in the half that was still in the dark. Monday morning I got up and headed over to Ohio to Seminary. On the way I talked to Terri and found out that Louisville had over 280,000 people without power, including them and Southern IN was out as well, which wasn’t exactly a surprise. Then as I got closer to Cincinnati I heard that 600,000 people in Southern Ohio were without power and that the Columbus area had been hit even harder than they were. Uh oh, this didn’t sound good at all. Then as I got closer to Columbus I found out that the reports were correct and that they were without power as well. I have never seen a storm with such a wide impact.
When I got to school, I discovered that they didn't have power so I spent Monday night in the dark, got up on Tuesday morning and talked with the president of the college and several other students and officials. The bottom line was that no one knew anything and that the word on the street was it may be Wednesday or even next week before power would be restored. So in the middle of Tuesday afternoon, not wanting to drive home in the dark, especially traveling through areas without power, I decided to head for home regardless of the decision about school for Wednesday.
When I got home, I found out that we were still without power here as well so last night was the third night that we spent in the dark. But, there was a glimmer of hope, BJ and Trina from Cana UMC stoped by with a gift from God, A GENERATOR!!!! Whoo hoooooo! We had light again. We only used it for about 30 minutes last night because we didn’t want to disturb the neighbors, but this morning I am able to get back on the computer and get back in contact with the world. I realize that there are those among you that will question my priorities such as, With all of the things that you could plug in, you chose your computer first? Well that isn’t exactly true, I plugged in the fish aquarium first, those poor little guys were looking pretty sickly without air and filtration.
So I am sitting here in a dark house, with my computer plugged into the generator and I am finally able to be back in contact with the world. We have now been without power for almost 72 hours which is probably 3 time longer than I have been without electricity in my life, well except for the times that Ben and I went fishing up in Canada, but that was different, we did that on purpose, (and Karen wasn’t with us). I am sure that I will be able to reflect theologically on all of these experiences soon, but for right now, I just want a cold Pepsi, light to read by, TV to watch, (I can’t believe I missed the first episode of "Biggest Looser Family" last night) and my computer back.
Well, one out of four isn’t bad.
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