I believe that you could make a legitimate argument that, at least in the past, I have watched way too much TV. It seems like I am always quoting one of my favorite television shows or movies. I used to be able to tell you in detail about every episode of Gilligan’s Island within ten seconds of the beginning of the program. I don’t think that this is something that I should necessarily be proud of.
You may have noticed in my posts that I like to use stories from some of my favorite movies as well as from television in order to illustrate a point. One of my all time favorite TV shows to use in this fashion is Andy Griffith. If I am flipping through the channels and run across Andy, I simply don’t have to flip any futher. There is just something naturally right about Andy Griffith. The stories are funny and interesting and the lessons are especially relevant even after all of these years. There is even a Bible Study series out which is based upon watching episodes of Andy Griffith and then discussing them in theological terms. You just can’t beat Andy!
Unfortunately, I don’t always learn my lessons from watching these programs. There is an episode where Andy is roped into judging a beauty contest for the city of Mayberry. Almost immediately, people begin to bother Andy with a never ending parade of their sisters, daughters and cousins in order to demonstrate to him that they would be the perfect selection for Miss Mayberry. Ultimately, knowing that no matter which way he would go, he would end up making people mad, he decided upon the out of the box decision of selecting the elderly woman who had been so kind and helpful to Andy throughout the episode. Of course this decision didn’t keep him out of trouble, but it did make peace between Andy and the pretty druggists, Ellie Walker, and I think that we all understand the significance of that decision..
Well, I share this with you because I have been asked to judge a beauty contest next Thursday for the Crothersville Sesquicentennial Celebration. “How on earth did you get roped into that?” you might ask. That is a very good question, one which I will certainly have to question either the level of my sanity or perhaps the current overloaded state of my mental faculties. I am afraid that I won’t even have the ability to pull an Andy Griffith and select the elderly kind woman who helps with the pageant, because they are all going to be kind elderly ladies. Yes, that is correct, not only is it a beauty pageant, but it is a senior pageant. Yes, I know that it was stupid of me.
Oh and one other thing, I am also judging the pie baking contest. In this endeavor I feel a little more confident. In reality, to quote the movie Rudy, "I have been ready for this my entire life." I just so happen to know a little something about pies. But, not to be overconfident in my approach I have watched a recent episode of Little House on the Prairie in which Reverend Alden was judging a pie baking contest. I watched carefully how he handled the mine field of possible challenges, masterfully using just the right superlatives and adjectives to describe the pies, ultimately settling on just the right balance of smoozing and common sense in order to extricate himself from what could have been a very difficult situation.
So, next week, as I enter the lion’s den of judging, I will take with me three sources of moral direction, the Holy Bible, Andy Griffith and Reverend Alden. I’ll let you know how it comes out.
Unfortunately, I don’t always learn my lessons from watching these programs. There is an episode where Andy is roped into judging a beauty contest for the city of Mayberry. Almost immediately, people begin to bother Andy with a never ending parade of their sisters, daughters and cousins in order to demonstrate to him that they would be the perfect selection for Miss Mayberry. Ultimately, knowing that no matter which way he would go, he would end up making people mad, he decided upon the out of the box decision of selecting the elderly woman who had been so kind and helpful to Andy throughout the episode. Of course this decision didn’t keep him out of trouble, but it did make peace between Andy and the pretty druggists, Ellie Walker, and I think that we all understand the significance of that decision..
Well, I share this with you because I have been asked to judge a beauty contest next Thursday for the Crothersville Sesquicentennial Celebration. “How on earth did you get roped into that?” you might ask. That is a very good question, one which I will certainly have to question either the level of my sanity or perhaps the current overloaded state of my mental faculties. I am afraid that I won’t even have the ability to pull an Andy Griffith and select the elderly kind woman who helps with the pageant, because they are all going to be kind elderly ladies. Yes, that is correct, not only is it a beauty pageant, but it is a senior pageant. Yes, I know that it was stupid of me.
Oh and one other thing, I am also judging the pie baking contest. In this endeavor I feel a little more confident. In reality, to quote the movie Rudy, "I have been ready for this my entire life." I just so happen to know a little something about pies. But, not to be overconfident in my approach I have watched a recent episode of Little House on the Prairie in which Reverend Alden was judging a pie baking contest. I watched carefully how he handled the mine field of possible challenges, masterfully using just the right superlatives and adjectives to describe the pies, ultimately settling on just the right balance of smoozing and common sense in order to extricate himself from what could have been a very difficult situation.
So, next week, as I enter the lion’s den of judging, I will take with me three sources of moral direction, the Holy Bible, Andy Griffith and Reverend Alden. I’ll let you know how it comes out.
1 comment:
oh jim, this will make great stories!
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