For some reason I just haven’t had much to talk about recently. Or, perhaps it is just the fact that this has been a difficult, long, emotional week. Saturday night at 11:10 the call came that my parishioner that I had been to see so many times down at Jewish Hospital had passed away. Breaking the news to the congregation was especially hard on Sunday morning. The visitation was held on Monday and it began at Noon and ended at 9:00PM (which is a very long visitation from my experience, but it is apparently very common in this area)
Tuesday was the funeral and I have to admit that I was very nervous on multiple levels. Terry was a beloved member of the church and this was to be my first funeral in my new appointment and I really wanted to do a good job. It seemed to go well, so I give God all the credit:)
This morning I was up by 5:00 AM for a trip to Jeffersonville (which is near Louisville) to be with a family for a surgery, and then back home to prepare for Bible Study and Choir practice tonight.
I do want to share a special blessing with you. We had 25 people at Bible Study tonight. I have never in all my put togethers had that many people for a Bible Study. Last week we had 22 and I thought that was way above even my greatest expectation. I know that the members of the church seem thrilled to see that many people coming for a Bible study, and I am simply humbled by it.
These past few days have been fun, challenging, difficult, humbling, tiring, emotional and rewarding. I think that I would be happy to settle for a day or two of relaxing:) Naaaaa probably not going to happen!
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
What are you studying?
25 people in Bible study? Wow, that's fantastic! How large is the congregation? I have belonged to very large churches that didn't have that many people showing up for Bible study.
You've had a challenging week, you need some R&R. Maybe God inspired me to blog about enjoying life because God wanted you to read that! :-)
We are studying the Book of Mark. I chose it because I probably know more about Mark than any other book of the Bible. It isn't necessarily my favorite, but I decided that for my first Bible Study with this congregation, I needed all the help I could get:)
Nancy, You may not believe this, but we actually worship about 50 on Sunday! So go figure:)
As for your blog, I took it to heart:) It was a blessing!
Clearly Jim, you rock!
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