I don’t think I have been doing such a great job lately in keeping up with my blog posts. Of course, some of that could have to do with little details like not getting home until after 1:30 this morning because of a parishioner fighting for his life at Jewish Hospital. So far he is still hanging in there, but now it is in his hands and God’s, so we continue to pray.
I will also mention that we started two Bible studies this week, one at Oak Grove and one at Fountain. We also began choir practice at each church. Oh and there was that pesky things called Charge Conference that I finally downloaded the forms for and began to look at what needs to be done for that.
We also had the hymn sing on Tuesday and the meeting with the pastors in my cluster and the other hospital visits and the preparations for Sunday and the… well you get the picture.
I am really beginning to wonder how I ever found any time for seminary at all. Good thing that pastors only have to work one day a week, and then only for a couple hours:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Wow, I feel harried and exhausted just reading about your week!
Sounds like you are in the swing of a full time pastor. Up until a few years ago, our pastor had 3 churches. He has 2 now but 3 services. Have fun with the fun things and pray yourself through the tough stuff Have a good day judy :)
Nancy, If anybody understands busy schedules, it is you:)
Judy, 2 services are more than enough for me right now, and on the rest, I will follow your advice:)
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