This week marks the beginning of a very hectic month. I have 19 more days remaining until graduation, but only 9 more days left until my last class and the completion of all of my course work. This Saturday is our Mother Daughter Banquet at church and Karen and I will be doing most all of the preparations for that, although we are very much looking forward to it. I have arranged to have a guest speaker come and talk to the ladies, which I am very anxious to hear. I won’t say who she is, but I have wanted to have this conversation in the church since I was appointed to Crothersville/Cana four years ago, so I hope that it will be a blessing to everyone.
On Sunday the 17th I have been invited to go to my home church, Trinity, and give a presentation on my trip to El Salvador, so I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and to especially have the chance to thank them for their significant role in my being able to complete seminary.
Then, of course, the following Friday, I will be journeying back over to MTSO for Friday’s graduation rehearsal as well as the Baccalaureate Service Friday evening. All of the kids are planning to come as well, and we will be staying over night and then attending the graduation festivities on Saturday morning. I think that this will be a time of mixed emotions. I have been though graduations a few times now and I know that this will be the last time that I see some of these people, so that will make for a bit of sadness in what will otherwise be a wonderful day.
Sunday the kids are planning a party for me between 4:00 and 6:00 PM at the Fellowship Hall of Crothersville UMC. Everyone is invited:) And I am looking forward to having an opportunity to thank all of the people who have been so instrumental in my ministry.
Monday afternoon following graduation, I then leave for 3 days to begin the RIM, Residence in Ministry Program, which will be the program that will keep me busy over the next 3 years as I continue down the path to Ordination. I have no idea yet where I will be spending those 3 days or what we will be doing, but for now, I am just grateful to be on the list, so I will just do what the Bishop and Board of Ordained Ministry tells me to do.
So that is pretty much my month of May. I am sure that there are surprises and a lot of unexpected things that will be happening this month. But regardless, it will certainly go down as a month to remember!
My thoughts and prayers go with you. Enjoy every have definately earned it. Christ's peace judy :)
Sounds like a busy time for you, Jim. As I read your post, I heard the hymn "This Is a Day of New Beginnings" in my head. Peace to you as you complete the MTSO leg of your journey and move on to paths yet unknown. I am also interested in hearing about your El Salvador presentation. I haven't done one yet, but look forward to doing so this summer.
Thank-you Judy, your words of peace and calm in the midst of my storms have been very much appreciated. And Robin, you must be reading my mind, I have been humming that song a lot here recently:) As for the El Salvador presentation, I am feeling pretty good that a lot of the emotion is under control from our journey and that I will be able to give a passionate but yet controled account of our trip. At least that is my plan:)
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