I have to apologize, this is about as long as I have ever gone without posting on my blog. This has been an incredibly busy last few days as I have been trying to get everything done for school as well as plan for our Mothers Day Banquet and prepare for the special services last Sunday for Mothers Day. In addition, I developed a pretty significant pain in one of my teeth and ended up going to the dentist on Friday. After examining me, the dentist told me that he would have to pull the tooth which didn’t make me especially happy. They sent me home with some pain medication and antibiotics and said that they would try to get me back in on Saturday to pull it. Late Saturday morning they finally called, but by then I was full blown into trying to get ready for the Mothers Day Banquet, and besides the pain had calmed down to a mild roar, so I hoped to put off the pain of getting it pulled a little longer.
So this morning I called back to get my appointment scheduled and I decided that I would try to make it until Friday. I figured, today, I would finish my final paper for Evangelism, tomorrow and Wednesday I will be in Ohio and I hope to get the majority of my final Ethics paper finished by then. Thursday, I plan to get ready for Sunday services and finish my Ethics paper and then Friday get my tooth pulled. Saturday I can plan to lay around in pain all day (I hope that isn’t the case) and then Sunday preach 2 sermons and then give a presentation to my home church on my trip to El Salvador. I just don’t have time to be down, so if I am going to feel bad, it can only be between the hours of 10:00 AM on Friday and 8:00 AM on Sunday. Now I just hope that the pain medication keeps me going until Friday. I will let you know how that part of my plan works out:)
For now, I am heading to bed, and tomorrow morning I will be on my way to Ohio at 7:15 AM.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
1 comment:
Have a good trip, hope you use that travel time to take stock of your thoughts and relax a little. Enjoy your day :) judy
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