Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Once Was Lost...

As I was preparing to let you know what I have been thinking about today, I had the distinct feeling that maybe I have been whining too much. I hope that isn’t the case, but I haven’t decided if today’s post is whining or not. I will let you be the judge of that.

Karen’s Brother Jim sent an email today and one of the accompanying video links was about Radio Controlled airplanes. Well, since this used to be a real passion of mine, I decided to check out the link and see what it was about. For the next 7 minutes I watched amazed as a Radio Controlled, 4 engine, 6 foot wingspan, B29 Bomber took off and was flown quite masterfully. What made this even more exciting was the model of the Bell X-1, (the first plane to break the sound barrier, piloted by Chuck Yeager) tucked underneath the B-29’s wing. The B-29 released the X-1 which coasted down over the runway, when all of a sudden the rocket engine was ignited and the plane shot immediately 200 feet in the air. It was really a remarkable sight, and as someone who has had a little bit of experience with both RC airplanes and model rocketry, I understand how technically difficult that was to pull off.

The next thing that has had me thinking stemmed from a conversation that I had this week working with the Cub Scouts on their "God and Me" program. We were talking about the stars, and I mentioned to them about how the Andromeda Galaxy was the furthest object that can be seen with the naked eye, approximately 2.5 million light years away, and how right now Jupiter was so easy to see in the night time southern sky and that Venus was easy to see in the western sky right after sunset.

Both of these got me to thinking about how much I miss some of the things that I have given up over the past four or five years as I have struggled to answer God’s call. I am frequently asked if I miss my Chiropractic practice which I can easily answer No. I miss the people but not the work. But I realize that there are things that I have missed very much. I have missed the freedom to go to the mountains and to Myrtle Beach each year, I miss going out on Sunday afternoon’s to the flying field with the guys and flying radio controlled airplanes. I miss the quiet hours spent in the backyard with my telescope wondering what was happening on earth 2.5 million years ago when the light that I was seeing left the Andromeda Galaxy, and I miss the hours spent in my workshop making things from wood like Mary and Andrew’s Crib. (Shopsmith called it sawdust therapy)

On the other hand, I also know how richly I have been blessed. I realize that there is nothing on earth I would rather be doing, and I pray each day that God allow me to continue on the path that He has set for me. I guess that maybe it is ok to whine once in awhile, I certainly know that the Israelites sure did their share of it when they were wandering in the wilderness, which is how I feel sometimes. But in spite of what I may feel that I have lost in this journey, I know in my heart that I can count as a gain.


PS: Maybe I will go ahead and haul out my telescope tonight and watch Jupiter's moon Ganymede disappears into eclipse by Jupiter's shadow. Anyone want to join me?

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