Thursday, October 2, 2008

Roses Will Bloom Again... Just Wait and See!

After the challenges and difficulties of the past few weeks, today I turn my attention to the upcoming visitation and funeral for Billie Alexander. When I woke up this morning I couldn’t get this song, Roses Will Bloom Again, out of my mind. We had the opportunity to see Jeff and Sherry Easter in concert a few years ago, and it was such a great blessing. They have actually written and produced several of my favorite Gospel songs, certainly including this one.

As I think about what Mike, Jordon, Bailey and their family will be going through in the next days, weeks and months ahead, sometimes it is difficult to look to the future with the assurance that roses will indeed bloom again. However, we have been given a promise that we can hold on to in these hard times. God has indeed promised us that just like the Spring, roses will bloom and the resurrection will come. The challenge for us, is to wait with hope and assurance.

I told a story a few weeks back about Dr. W. A Criswell, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas Texas, who said on one occasion that while on an airplane flight, he found himself seated beside a well-known theologian. He desperately wanted to start a conversation with this man and after awhile they did begin to talk.

The man told Dr. Criswell about how he had recently lost his little boy through death. Dr. Criswell listened intently as the man told his story: He said that his son had come home from school with a fever, they weren’t overly concerned, they just thought it was one of those childhood things… but it was a very virulent form of meningitis.

The doctor said we can not save your little boy. He is going to die. And so this seminary professor, loving his son as he did, sat by the bedside to watch and wait and be with his son.

It was the middle of the day and the little boy whose strength was going from him and whose vision and brain was getting clouded said, "Daddy, it’s getting dark isn’t it?" The professor said to his son, "Yes son it is getting dark, very dark." Of course it was very dark for him.

He said, "Daddy, I guess it’s time for me to go to sleep isn’t it?"The man said, "Yes, son, it’s time for you to go to sleep."The professor said the little fellow had a way of fixing his pillow just so, and putting his head on his hands when he slept, and so he fixed his pillow just right, and laid his head on his hands, and said, "Good night Daddy. I will see you in the morning."

He then closed his eyes in death and stepped over into heaven.

Dr. Criswell said the professor didn’t say anymore after that for a very long time. He just looked out the window of that airplane staring out into the deep blue sky. After awhile he turned back and he looked at Dr Criswell, with tears streaming down his cheeks he said... "I can hardly wait till the morning."

Roses will indeed bloom again and morning will come... Just wait and see!

Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also. (John 14:1-3)

PS: As I was preparing this blog, I learned that Sherry Easter who sings in the video was diagnosed with, and battling Breast cancer. Our prayers go out to her as well!

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