Ok! Ok! After some significant prodding, I will try to get back in the saddle again and be more consistent with my posts. In reality, it is actually a good thing that I haven’t been posting much lately. As you remember, I started this blog because of the extreme stress that I was under last year with my final year of seminary, a trip to El Salvador and the Commissioning process and writing seemed to provide an outlet for all of that overwhelming stress and frustration. A good friend recently described that sensation this way, “Not knowing whether to scream or puke.” (Boy can I relate to that) In addition it connected me with some wonderful people who provided me with the words and support that I needed to get through what was arguably the most difficult and stressful year of my life.
Now, after our move, we have really begun to settle into our new home and church family and to be honest, right now I really feel in a good place spiritually, physically and emotionally. The churches are going well, lots of things happening, the stress is at a minimum, the challenges are not too great, and life is good. So, I just haven’t felt that compelling desire to sit down and pour out my thoughts.
What I didn’t realize is that there are people who actually enjoyed reading my rambling thoughts and sometimes obnoxious diatribes, and believe it or not, they actually miss it. Who would have thunk it? So, I will do my best to sit down and just get back into the habit of writing and realize that I am truly blessed with a good life and friends who care about me, even when I am rambling and obnoxious, which people who know me would say is most of the time:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
Hi there, I have missed your posts, ranting and all. Mostly you make me laugh. Your world sounds like it is going well now, praise God for that. Times are tuff out there. The Methodist Church,in an unnamed state, just lost 2 good pastors. They both left because of problems within the church. I know they will still carry on their mininstries but not within the pastor position of a United Meth church. Makes me very sad. Sooo, I am so happy that you have found a place for the Spirit to work in you and may your churches grow. I dont't mean numbers I mean in the Spirit. Are you still swimming and how is that going? Keep blogging and now and then hit FB. Have a good day judy :)
That is a shame about the Methodist Pastors. Last year as my entire future was in doubt and I awaited the decision of the Board of Ordained Ministry to approve me, delay me or deny me completely, I thought about what I would do or where I would go if I were denied, but the problem I kept coming back to was that for better or for worse, I am 100% United Methodist. I really love this denomination and what it stands for and I just didn't have a plan B.
Thank-you for your help and support, you have been such an awesome blessing to me and I value your friendship:)
Hey Jim,
I am glad to see that you are writing again! I recognized that comment about screaming or puking ... hmmm? I wonder who said that? Thank you for your support as I am now in the midst of the proecess that caused so much stress for you last year. I hope to catch up with you via phone soon. Take care.
Hey Jim, I miss your posts, glad you're back in the saddle. I've been a slacker myself lately. My current excuse is commissioning paperwork (talk about scream or puke!)
Wishing you the best and hope you feel better soon!
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