Friday, October 9, 2009

Have Respect For Your Elders!

I saw this video on Facebook the other day and thought it was great. So as a part of my effort to lift up traditional family values, here is my first installment, a lesson on why you should have respect for our senior citizens:)

Apparently a woman was video taping her boys while they were skateboarding, heard a noise behind her and well… I will let you figure out the rest on your own.

I will leave it to my cyber detective to determine if this is real or not:)

(Be sure to listen to the laughter of the woman who was videotaping)



judyschoon said...

I have seen this before but it makes me laugh every time I watch it. I wondered if it was can't believe your eyes like you use to...which is a shame. I wish I had the UMPH ! to do that sometimes. LOL judy :)

Pastor Jim said...

I am sure that my son, Ben, will let me know if it is real, but I am like you, I wish I had the UMPH sometimes:)