Friday, October 23, 2009

Stop Me Before I Say Something I Will Regret!

Well, I have done it again, let more than a week go since my last post. It really isn’t that I don’t have anything to say, and I can’t honestly say that I don’t have the time. Perhaps it is the fact that what I really want to say are about issues that as a pastor, I really should let go or at the very least only weigh in on from a theological perspective, even though many of my colleagues don’t follow this line of thinking.

I read with great interest the posts on Facebook and other places of my colleagues in ministry. I think of one colleague in particular who was in tears about their treatment at their current appointment. They were devastated about how they felt abused, and isolated. But as I read what they write, I have to wonder if they share these same views from the pulpit, in conversation and in Bible Study. If so, then I can guarantee that this person is alienating 90% or more of their congregation.

Is it acceptable to hold strong political and social views and be a pastor? Of course it is! Is it acceptable to share these views with others? Perhaps so, but one has to be very careful, and avoid doing so in a threatening way. We have to be pastors to everyone in the congregation, not just the ones who agree with us.

For instance, this person feels very strongly about the issue of homosexuality as both a societal issue and clergy issue. This, of course, is one of the most hotly and fiercely debated issues in the church. I think that I am safe in saying that 80% of the people in this pastors congregation would tend to disagree with the view that this pastor holds. Is it wrong for this pastor to hold this view? No, Should this issue be discussed? Yes

So then, how does one approach it? If a pastor chooses to follow this particular pastor’s approach, then you confront, push it to the forefront, make your position known in no uncertain terms, preach sermons on it, and then have little patience for those who disagree.

In case you haven’t figured it out, this is a prescription for disaster from a pastoral perspective, with you as the pastor being miserable in your appointment, your congregation being miserable, frequent phone calls to the District Superintendent from both parties, and ministry at a standstill.

This is the dilemma that I find myself in. I could certainly weigh in on a variety of topics, from Health Care to the war in Afghanistan to Fox News and I am safe in saying that 80% of my congregations and the people that I know would agree with me almost 100%, (although a lot of the people who read my blog would ABSOULTLY NOT :) LOL Which is certainly alright!

But, I am indeed concerned about the 20% in my congregation that holds differing views. It is difficult to argue about issues that could tend to isolate those that I care about. I am called to be their pastor as well.

So, for now, I am just focusing on preaching the Good News and the Love that Christ has for each of us. These other issues will wait for another day:)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

That's Blasphemy!!!!

Ok, I have to admit that juggling and preparing for 3 Bible Studies is a bit of a challenge. I am having extreme episodes of Déjà vu, and wondering if I have already told this story or explained about one word or another to this group. But for the most part I have decided that it is ok to retell a few stories:) Besides, I often tell them more for my own benefit than I do theirs anyway:)

Tonight we had an awesome discussion about the “unforgivable sin” of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

“I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." (Mark 3:28-29)

So, my blogging family and friends, tell me, what does it mean to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Once it has been done, is it not possible to be redeemed? Is it something much deeper than what we would think of as blasphemy?

As I said, we had some interesting discussion tonight and I would love to hear what you have to say on the subject:)

Perhaps I can complicate things even more by mentioning another passage:

"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him. (Luke 12:10)


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Bible Study Starts Today!

Today we are beginning a new Bible Study. I had a request from a parishioner to have a daytime study which intrigued me and after a little thought I decided to go forward with it. We decided to hold this one at the parsonage, which is a neutral spot so I hope to draw people from both churches, and if nothing else, it means that I don’t have far to go:)

I think that we are going to study 1 Corinthians. I have never done a Bible study on this book and since it is one of my favorites, I think that it will be fun.

I have to admit that I am a bit apprehensive. I don’t know if we will have 3 people or 23. I would be thrilled with 7-10. I will let you know how it goes.

I better get off the computer and get ready, it starts in just 2 hours:)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm Just Trying To Eat My Lunch Here!!!!

I sometimes have to wonder what the world that we live in is coming to. I really do try to understand where others are coming from. I struggle to view issues from as many points of view as possible, but I have to admit that I am finding it increasingly difficult to do so.

In about 10 minutes of reading the news this morning (which is always a tremendous mistake for me anymore) I found no less that 4 different articles that made me anywhere from angry to just plain stupefied.

I will leave the political ones out for now, and I won’t discuss the attack on Christmas that I read, I will leave the issue alone, for now, about the conservative group wanting to rewrite the Bible (actually that one irritates me both for what the conservative group is doing and for those on the other side who condemn them, because if anything, as far as I am concerned, it has been my liberal colleagues in academia that historically have been more guilty of selectively interpreting scriptures to fit their own biases. Let’s just say I think both sides are wrong in this one.

This brings me to the article that caused me the most irritation this morning. It was about a 6 year old boy who was so excited about his new camping tool for Cub Scouts (a spoon/knife/fork combination) that he took it to school so that he could use it to eat lunch with. (Quite easy to understand from a 6 year old boy perspective)

Unfortunately, this action was in violation of the zero tolerance for weapons policy at the school and our little 6 year old camper was suspended for 45 days. Good student, no previous problems, no malicious intent on his part, just a little boy excited to use his new camping tool. (This vicious weapon was discovered as he was eating his lunch with it)

I just don’t know what our world is coming to. I completely understand a six year old boy not having a full grasp and intricate knowledge of the school weapons policy and I certainly understand how he didn’t see this faux pas to be a MAJOR rules infraction, punishable by a 45 day suspension. What I don’t understand, however, is how our school systems have gotten so STUPID that they can’t tell the difference between a malicious threat and a six year old boy enjoying his lunch.

If this is the level of ignorance and lack of common sense prevalent on the part of the leadership in our schools today, then it is no wonder why our student test scores are dropping and why we do indeed find so many kids being “left behind.”

We have a joke around our house about people in $1000 suits sitting in expensive offices making decisions simply to make our lives miserable just so they can justify their jobs. This certainly seems to qualify as one such example!

Wakeup America! Before it’s too late!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Search for the Perfect Pumpkin...

Today is a special day in the Higdon clan. In just a few hours, 3 generations of Higdon’s will take our annual pilgrimage to the Pumpkin Patch at Huber Farms to pick out just the right pumpkins. We will begin the pilgrimage with a stop at the JayC Food store here in Corydon to pick up a picnic lunch of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and whatever else looks especially good from behind the deli counter. We used to actually eat at the restaurant at Huber Farm, but the salary of a pastor and the rest of the family laid off just doesn’t allow for that anymore for the entire crew. After picking up lunch we will head to the Huber Farm and Orchard, which is a sprawling complex in beautiful Starlight Indiana (You have got to love that name).

Some of the activities that the kids especially love to do are jumping on this humongous pillow of air. I’m sure it has a name, but that is the best way that I can describe it. Another thing that the kids love is hiking up the “mountain” and sliding down the giant slide. Last year Andrew wasn’t too sure that he liked that very much but Mary couldn’t get enough of it. I think that my favorite part is feeding the animals. They have llamas, goats, geese, bunnies (Karen’s favorite) horses, deer, and probably a half dozen other animals that I am forgetting.

After exhausting the kids at the petting zoo, we will head out on the big wagon to the pumpkin patch so that the kids can select the perfect pumpkins. This is of course a great time to read to the kids the annual installment of Margery Cuyler’s book, “The Bumpy Little Pumpkin” which is one of Mary and Andrew’s favorite books. The trip to the pumpkin patch is expected to be rather cool today so I would recommend dressing warm:)

After selecting just the right pumpkins, we return to the farmer’s market and try the warm apple cider, sample the endless varieties of fresh homemade breads and cookies and pick up Karen’s favorite strawberry preserves.

By this point I expect Grandpa to be pretty tired and anxious to head for home where there will be a big pot of soup beans simmering in the crock-pot.

Sounds like a good day ahead! Anyone want to come along?


Friday, October 9, 2009

Have Respect For Your Elders!

I saw this video on Facebook the other day and thought it was great. So as a part of my effort to lift up traditional family values, here is my first installment, a lesson on why you should have respect for our senior citizens:)

Apparently a woman was video taping her boys while they were skateboarding, heard a noise behind her and well… I will let you figure out the rest on your own.

I will leave it to my cyber detective to determine if this is real or not:)

(Be sure to listen to the laughter of the woman who was videotaping)


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"To Run Where the Brave Dare Not Go..."

So I guess maybe you noticed that I haven’t posted anything for awhile. To be honest I have actually seriously thought about discontinuing my blog altogether. I have become so frustrated here lately that I have had to ask myself if this is something that I even want to continue doing.

Let me try to explain.

I see our nation going in directions that are almost abhorrent to me. I watch as our Government spends money (borrowed money) that we don’t have, at increasingly exponential rates without any discussion of how we will ever be able to pay the money back. This debt will be saddled on our kids and grandkids but we are told that there is no other option.

I watch as Congress moves ever closer to a health reform bill that I can see as nothing but tragic for our nation and especially for our young people. What happens to a young person who lives on their own, and is barely making ends meet. They will be forced by our government to buy heath coverage which will be at least $200-300 per month. The young person laughs and says, uhhh I don’t have $20-30 extra at the end of the month! “How in the heck do I buy health insurance.” (Of course we are told that there will be subsidies to help, yeah right!!!) So our kinder and gentler Government says oh that’s ok, since you can’t afford the insurance premium, we will go ahead and charge you an additional penalty of say around $1000. So now our young person owes the government a $1000 penalty, they still don’t have insurance and we all sit back in awe at the wonderful "change" that is coming about in our nation.

Now, since our young person can’t pay for insurance and they certainly can’t pay the penalty, the IRS gets involved as the mechanism to collect from this “deadbeat” young person. They garnishee the miniscule wages that our poor young person makes, they call their employer, check with the neighbors (all standard IRS tactics) abscond with their paltry tax refund, pillage their only remaining $17.76 that they had in their checking account (more realistically knowing most young people, the bank account would be overdrawn anyway so the IRS would strike out there) and otherwise make their life miserable.

Well, since the government has now taken their wages, they can’t pay for anything, they lose their apartment, and their 1986 Chevy Corsica gets reposesed because they can’t make the payments, they still owe the government and they still have no insurance, they end up moving back home with Mom and Dad. (Yeah, like you didn’t see that one coming)

But now they have another problem, this has unfortunately turned into a criminal case (YES, THIS IS IN THE HEALTH CARE BILL) they will now be charged with a misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in prison and fined $25,000.

This is the lunacy of the health care reform supported, encouraged, loved, embraced, and drooled over by so many of my “friends” and colleagues.

I have tried, pleaded and even begged for a civil conversation over these issues. I have written about it ad nauseam and tried to help my “friends” look at these issues though a different lens if only for a moment.

You may ask, what this has to do with writing my blog? Just after my last post, I challenged something one of my friends posted which was bitter and mean spirited. He agreed with me that it was and in writing his response, which I know was his very best attempt to be fair and magnanimous he said that he had always considered the Progressives to be the adult in the debate. So there you go, my progressive friend, doing the best he could to be fair, can’t keep from calling conservatives, children. Even in a message of reconcilliation we can't keep from calling the other side names.

So honestly, I give up! I don’t want to spend all my time arguing, I also don’t want to spend all of my time writing about trivial, personal things, (as much fun as it is to write about Andrew and his drums) I am not smart enough to reflect as theologically as some of my colleagues that I have such great respect for, and whatever I have to say about these issues that are of extreme importance, I am either made to feel that I am somehow being childish or I am belittled for maintaining the set of beliefs and values that I have accumulated over the last half century on this earth. (Which is extremely frustrating when it comes from someone younger than my own children)

So I have a decision to make, do I give up, crawl into the comfortable cocoon of my churches…
(which is exactly what I have been doing)

Or, do I strike out like Don Quixote de la Mancha, tilting at windmills and striking blows in a quest for chivalry and the values that I believe in...

I know, Don Quixote was a little crazy, and I have been accused of that as well. But like Don Quixote, I also have an impossible dream and perhaps it might be just a bit too early for me to give up.
