Well, I have done it again, let more than a week go since my last post. It really isn’t that I don’t have anything to say, and I can’t honestly say that I don’t have the time. Perhaps it is the fact that what I really want to say are about issues that as a pastor, I really should let go or at the very least only weigh in on from a theological perspective, even though many of my colleagues don’t follow this line of thinking.
I read with great interest the posts on Facebook and other places of my colleagues in ministry. I think of one colleague in particular who was in tears about their treatment at their current appointment. They were devastated about how they felt abused, and isolated. But as I read what they write, I have to wonder if they share these same views from the pulpit, in conversation and in Bible Study. If so, then I can guarantee that this person is alienating 90% or more of their congregation.
Is it acceptable to hold strong political and social views and be a pastor? Of course it is! Is it acceptable to share these views with others? Perhaps so, but one has to be very careful, and avoid doing so in a threatening way. We have to be pastors to everyone in the congregation, not just the ones who agree with us.
For instance, this person feels very strongly about the issue of homosexuality as both a societal issue and clergy issue. This, of course, is one of the most hotly and fiercely debated issues in the church. I think that I am safe in saying that 80% of the people in this pastors congregation would tend to disagree with the view that this pastor holds. Is it wrong for this pastor to hold this view? No, Should this issue be discussed? Yes
So then, how does one approach it? If a pastor chooses to follow this particular pastor’s approach, then you confront, push it to the forefront, make your position known in no uncertain terms, preach sermons on it, and then have little patience for those who disagree.
In case you haven’t figured it out, this is a prescription for disaster from a pastoral perspective, with you as the pastor being miserable in your appointment, your congregation being miserable, frequent phone calls to the District Superintendent from both parties, and ministry at a standstill.
This is the dilemma that I find myself in. I could certainly weigh in on a variety of topics, from Health Care to the war in Afghanistan to Fox News and I am safe in saying that 80% of my congregations and the people that I know would agree with me almost 100%, (although a lot of the people who read my blog would ABSOULTLY NOT :) LOL Which is certainly alright!
But, I am indeed concerned about the 20% in my congregation that holds differing views. It is difficult to argue about issues that could tend to isolate those that I care about. I am called to be their pastor as well.
So, for now, I am just focusing on preaching the Good News and the Love that Christ has for each of us. These other issues will wait for another day:)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago