I interrupt my journal of El Salvador to bring you this word from your sponsor: AHHHHHHHHHHH This has been a very long difficult day. When I woke up this morning and looked out the window I could see that it had been snowing, so I got up quickly got ready and then left home at around 7:00AM for Ohio. The roads were awful. I decided that the last weather forecast I saw showed the snow mostly in the Southern part of the state so I decided to go north through Indianapolis. Let me assure you that this was a big mistake. It took me 3 hours to get through Indianapolis and my normal 4 hour journey to school was looking to be very long indeed. I called my professor at 11, knowing that at best I was going to be late to class. After leaving Indy, the road conditions continued to deteriorate. From the time that I left home until I reached the Ohio line, I never got above 35 mph and a lot of the time was spent between 0 and 5 mph.
Once I got to Ohio, things gradually started clearing and by the time I got to Dayton the roads were pretty clear. I finally got to school at 2:25, a 7 ½ hour trip, 25 minutes late to class. Actually this may be the first time in 4 years that I have been late to class.
The bad thing is that my trip over might not have been the worse part of the day. The class that I was late for is about the work of Michael Foucault. Who is that you ask? You mean that you never heard of him? Me either!!!! And now that I have had the first class, I’m not sure that I want to get to know who he was. This class is going to be a major stretch for me, I would say that I will keep you posted, but to be honest, most of the folks that I know who read my blog would have absolutely NO interest in anything he has ever written or done. Perhaps I am being too judgmental, probably, but I will just keep telling myself that all I need to do is to pass this class and I can graduate.
I will tell you that most everyone in this class are the real smart people. How did they let me in to this one? This is one of those classes that I don’t even understand the questions that these people were asking, let alone the answers. You think I’m kidding don’t you? I am serious! This is the first class that I have taken that I have serious doubts about passing. Maybe it will look brighter tomorrow after I have picked up the books and started to read. Then again the professor said that it was difficult to read, (not good for Jim) and that there will be a lot to read for each class. (Oh noooo I am such a slow reader)
Since I didn’t stop on the way over here today, I didn’t have anything to eat since last night, so I guess I have had a 24 hour fast. But, after a dinner of Bob Evans, and some cookies and cream pie to take back to my room, I feel better and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I sure hope it isn’t worse, tomorrow I attend the other class that I need to pass. It couldn’t be as bad as the Foucault class could it? Naaaaaaa
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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