Well, the time has come. The trip that seemed so far away is now upon me. I have to say that this has been an excellent day. I had a great trip over to Ohio with Ben and Crystal. I will say that it sure is nice not to have to drive, as a matter of fact, this was the first time that I have made this trip that I didn’t have to drive. They also surprised me with a memory card for my camera. I was hoping to get one so that I wouldn’t have to be too frugal in what pictures I took on the trip, but I just didn’t have enough money to get it and I resigned myself to the fact that would just take pictures of what was “really” important. But, without me knowing about it, they got me a 4 Gig memory card. The way I have it figured, I can take about 10,000 pictures without filling up the memory card.
I will also say that my phone has been busy today talking to everyone saying goodbye before I take off in the morning. It really was nice to hear all of the well wishes, and it sure makes me feel good to know that so many people are thinking about me and keeping me in their prayers.
I also received one of the nicest emails that I have ever received today from someone who reads my blog on a regular basis and her words were so kind and uplifting that it simply made my day.
So, here I am. Everything is packed, and as far as I can tell I am ready to go. I will be keeping you all in my prayers, and I thank everyone for all of their prayers, their well wishes and I especially thank those who have helped to make this trip possible.
Blessings to everyone and I will see you when I return on the 19th. (unless I get access to a computer in El Salvador :)
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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