It is not unusual for me, as I reflect upon the week that has past, that I begin to see some type of theme emerge. Is it the Holy Spirit? Is it Divine Providence? Is God trying to get my attention, or am I seeing connections that don’t exist? Well, I know that I have my own thoughts on that, but I will leave it too each individual to decide in their own minds what I am experiencing.
Perhaps it is because of the very nature of Seminary and being a Pastor, that I spend a great deal of time in prayer and reflection, and maybe it is because of this time set apart that I seem to experience these themes and connections, Or maybe I am not the only one, and others experience the same things in their lives. What do you think?
Regardless, the theme that I have been sensing this week is “Facing the Giants.” A week ago in my sermon as I was pondering the Israelites crossing into the Promised Land, I shared with the congregation about how Joshua and Caleb, two of the scouts who had investigated this new land, reported of this land flowing with milk and honey, followed by the reports that said, we don’t dare to go in there, we saw fortified cities, and, Yes, GIANTS! “These giants were so large that they made us look like grasshoppers.” The Israelites did indeed face Giants.
I have also thought this week of Paul Potts and the giants that he faced as he took the stage in the video I posted a couple days ago. Each of us faces giants every day which threaten to overwhelm and destroy us.
As I am looking ahead to the next few weeks in my life and the work that remains to be done, I certainly feel that I am facing giants every bit as threatening as the ones faced by the Israelites.
Finally, I asked Pam, which movie Cana was going to show at their movie night on Saturday night and guess which one she had picked? No, it wasn’t Star Wars! She had picked “Facing the Giants” I have not seen this movie and I downloaded the trailer so that I could get an idea what it was about. I have no doubt that Saturday is going to be a blessing for everyone who attends.
So, if you aren’t doing anything on Saturday night, come on out to Cana about 6:00 PM for some soft drinks and nacho’s. The movie will start around 7:00 PM and we can all "Face the Giants" together.
Anniversary Reflections
6 years ago
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