I remember my daughter Terri coming home from a youth group meeting with a list of items needed to take on an upcoming mission trip. There were a couple of items on the list that struck me as rather odd, such as a burlap sack. So when I asked Terri what these items were for, she informed me that they were going Snipe hunting one night. Uh Oh, now comes the challenge, do I tell her the truth, do I simply keep quiet, or do I go along with the joke knowing that poor Terri would probably never forgive me for not telling her what a Snipe hunt was.
With that being said, perhaps not everyone reading this knows about Snipe hunting, If you are planning to attend a Snipe hunt in the near future, perhaps you should quit reading now, I wouldn’t want to be held responsible for ruining your evening. I will wait for you to click off now…..
Ok, if you’re still with me, a Snipe Hunt is a prank played mostly on kids, or very naive adults. The object is to send the unsuspecting hunters out into the woods armed with a paper bag or a burlap sack, a flashlight and some type of stick such as a broom handle. The hunters are told to call the Snipes by yelling “Here Snipe, Here Snipe,” and to beat the bushes with their sticks in an effort to drive the Snipes out of hiding. The poor hunters then spend the next hour scouring the woods for the elusive creatures. The problem is that, there are no Snipes, it is just a prank, and the bird is just made up. Although, in reality there truly is a bird called a Snipe, just not one that kids go hunting for.
Another even more cruel aspect of the joke comes into play when you take the kids out in the woods and leave them, telling them that the object of the game is to be the first one back to the house with a snipe in there bag. Obviously, if something unfortunate happened to Terri and I knew about this in advance, I would be in trouble, if Terri realized that I knew in advance and didn’t tell her, I would be in trouble, and if the trip leader found out that I spoiled his evening’s entertainment, I would once again be in trouble. This question of “What is truth” is just not so easy.
Another example of the ethical dilemma contained within the question what is truth is something common to all men when they are faced with the infamous question, “Does this outfit make me look fat?” Once again, the prudent husband sensing the gravity of the situation he has fallen into and the myriad of possible responses which come to mind, one should always respond, “Of course not dear!” The most unacceptable answer to this question comes from Jeff Foxworthy which is, “It’s not the outfit that makes you look fat.” Of course this answer would be a tragic mistake.
Seriously, In the Book of John 8:38, Pilot speaking to Jesus says “What is Truth?” These words are so simple yet so powerfully insightful. Sometimes the truth can elude us no matter how hard we seek it. Sometimes truth can be right in front of us but yet remain impossible to see. Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." (John 14:6-7)
When the truth seems to be eluding you and the road ahead is fraught with peril, always remember that Jesus is the truth and the life, and if you will only follow Him, you will find the Way.
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