Have you ever had the experience of simply watching and witnessing as the Holy Spirit works? I very much have been sensing that movement of the Holy Spirit here recently, and right now, I am doing my best to either hold on tight or get completely out of the way.
I have been spending a little time here recently reflecting back upon the last four months that we have been here in Corydon and I see some very exciting things going on. So, this morning I thought that I would share with you some of the accomplishments that I have been witnessing.
Initially we began two Bible studies, one for each church and I was astounded that the attendance at Oak Grove was around 25. That attendance has continued every week ranging at the lowest of about 20 and the highest of 27, with the total attendance at Bible study between the two churches averaging between 30-40 per week. The awesome thing is that many of these people have NEVER in their life attended Bible Study before. (That is good for me because if they don’t have anything to compare it to, they have no idea how unorthodox I really am as a teacher:) Now we have added a third Bible study which meets here at the parsonage on Wednesday morning. This has been a great deal of fun so far and may prove to be my favorite study of the week.
Both churches have also started choirs in the past few months. It has been awesome to watch as people who have never been in choirs before settle into the routine of rehearsals and performance. Last week both churches stepped out of their comfort zone and participated in the monthly Community Hymn Sing, which was hosted by Oak Grove. Both churches did a totally awesome job and the church was completely packed. (Now that we see what that looks like, it gives us something to shoot for)
Oak Grove has even taken the excitement of the choir to a new level and one of the members made arrangements to have choir robes and stoles donated to the church and this Sunday they will sing in their new robes for the first time. How cool is that?
Oak Grove is also the proud owners of new United Methodist Hymnals which had the potential of being a major obstacle and stumbling block. The last time they bought hymnals was almost forty years ago. But instead of creating controversy, it was an awesome blessing, so much so that I am pretty sure that we will be ordering new Pew Bibles next week because “the new hymnals make the old Pew Bibles look so awful” (The Lord sure works in mysterious ways)
Oak Grove and Fountain came in first and second in our ministry cluster Chili Cook-off
Between the two churches they raised over $5000 in their respective annual dinners.
Oak Grove will be replacing the very old picture of Jesus, which is now the focal point of the sanctuary with a very large handmade wooden cross, donated by one of our expert wood workers.
We are working on putting a large cross and flame (The United Methodist logo) on the front of the church. (How radical is that to actually identify our church as United Methodist?)
We are adopting families to help for the Christmas Season, shoe boxes for Children, donating to Community Services, working with Ronald McDonald House, Christmas programs, adding services on Christmas Eve…
Well, you get the picture. Right now I feel a little bit like I am just along for the ride. Most, if not all, of these projects are being driven by laity within the churches. The Holy Spirit is working very hard here in Corydon, I just pray that I can stay out of the way and let God work:)
I have been spending a little time here recently reflecting back upon the last four months that we have been here in Corydon and I see some very exciting things going on. So, this morning I thought that I would share with you some of the accomplishments that I have been witnessing.
Initially we began two Bible studies, one for each church and I was astounded that the attendance at Oak Grove was around 25. That attendance has continued every week ranging at the lowest of about 20 and the highest of 27, with the total attendance at Bible study between the two churches averaging between 30-40 per week. The awesome thing is that many of these people have NEVER in their life attended Bible Study before. (That is good for me because if they don’t have anything to compare it to, they have no idea how unorthodox I really am as a teacher:) Now we have added a third Bible study which meets here at the parsonage on Wednesday morning. This has been a great deal of fun so far and may prove to be my favorite study of the week.
Both churches have also started choirs in the past few months. It has been awesome to watch as people who have never been in choirs before settle into the routine of rehearsals and performance. Last week both churches stepped out of their comfort zone and participated in the monthly Community Hymn Sing, which was hosted by Oak Grove. Both churches did a totally awesome job and the church was completely packed. (Now that we see what that looks like, it gives us something to shoot for)
Oak Grove has even taken the excitement of the choir to a new level and one of the members made arrangements to have choir robes and stoles donated to the church and this Sunday they will sing in their new robes for the first time. How cool is that?
Oak Grove is also the proud owners of new United Methodist Hymnals which had the potential of being a major obstacle and stumbling block. The last time they bought hymnals was almost forty years ago. But instead of creating controversy, it was an awesome blessing, so much so that I am pretty sure that we will be ordering new Pew Bibles next week because “the new hymnals make the old Pew Bibles look so awful” (The Lord sure works in mysterious ways)
Oak Grove and Fountain came in first and second in our ministry cluster Chili Cook-off
Between the two churches they raised over $5000 in their respective annual dinners.
Oak Grove will be replacing the very old picture of Jesus, which is now the focal point of the sanctuary with a very large handmade wooden cross, donated by one of our expert wood workers.
We are working on putting a large cross and flame (The United Methodist logo) on the front of the church. (How radical is that to actually identify our church as United Methodist?)
We are adopting families to help for the Christmas Season, shoe boxes for Children, donating to Community Services, working with Ronald McDonald House, Christmas programs, adding services on Christmas Eve…
Well, you get the picture. Right now I feel a little bit like I am just along for the ride. Most, if not all, of these projects are being driven by laity within the churches. The Holy Spirit is working very hard here in Corydon, I just pray that I can stay out of the way and let God work:)